Sorry,alasizon wrote:Nikos,
I would like to point out that from the time at which Premium was announced and until it was live, there were many things that had to be done. The consent about the integration pack's use was pulled prior to the launch of the premium service and it takes time to code the entire new system. You don't have the right to demand something simply because you are now a paying customer, you may request it but you don't have the right to demand it. Also, the old integration system was a freely provided service by Faith who was not an official paid employee but a volunteer.
I don't think you are right. We can demand the new integration, because before the premium accounts started we were told that integration pack will be available after premium accounts start. So that's what we paid for! However we can't demand new airplanes, airports, clients and options etc, because nobody(of the admins) promised us that we would get it. We have not paid for)))) Still I can wait a few weeks for the new integration pack will come, but admins should release it. That's what we paid for.