Pilot Permission Update.

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Pilot Permission Update.

Post by joefremont »

Hi Flyers,

I have just rolled out some changes to the permissions for managing pilots. The 'Handle Pilots' permission has been split into several permission so you can more finely tune what your managers can do. These permissions are:

Also the permissions that are based on fleets you can now specify that the pilot can do that function if they are assigned to the fleet. This will allow you to have fewer functional ranks but still be able to specify which fleets the pilot can use. But be aware that the pilot will get all 'assigned' permissions, so if they are manager in one fleet through assignment, the will be managers in all fleets they are assigned to.

Accept pilots into airline

Allows the manager to accept new pilots into the VA.

Kick pilot from airline

Allows the manager to kick or remove pilots from the VA. You can specify the ranks of pilots which that the manager is allowed to remove from the VA.

Change pilot rank

Allows the manager to change the rank of the pilot. You can specify the ranks of pilots the manager can update, this list also limits the ranks the manager can change the pilot to.

Change pilot type ratings

Allows the manager to change the type rating of the pilot. You can specify the ranks of pilots the manager can update.

Change pilot fleet assignment.

Allows the manager to 'assign' fleets to a pilot, you can limit the fleets the manager can select.

Tip Pilot

Allows the manager to give money to the pilot. You can specify which fleets the manager can give the money from.

Allow usage of fleet aircraft.

This was change slightly so that it now works exactly like all the other fleet based permission. One change in the way this works, in the previous version of the code, when new fleets were added the pilot got them by default, now if you have restricted which fleets the pilot can fly, they will not get that fleet by default, you will have to grant access.
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Re: Pilot Permission Update.

Post by joefremont »

Couple other changes were pushed out in this update.
  • The maximum interest rate for loans is now 15%.
  • If a VA has a loan there ability to scrap aircraft is restricted if they don't have enough assets to cover the loan.
  • The cost of instant aircraft transfers is now 4x the normal rate.
  • For new pilots when registering, based on the users IP address the system will try to figure out the closest major airport as there starting point, rather than starting everyone in Munich by default. When starting a new VA it will also try to use the same method to get the default country for the VA.
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Re: Pilot Permission Update.

Post by Cat »

Quick Question Sir:

What is the "If Assigned" section used for?
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Re: Pilot Permission Update.

Post by Cat »

AHHHHH ha! Got it now - New tab on main page that allows individual pilots to be assigned specific fleets and if that is in play then use the "If Assigned" function in the rank.... Yes that adds a ton of flexibility, thanks!
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Re: Pilot Permission Update.

Post by Alan McGaughey »

Sounds great, looking forward to having a mess about with that, thanks Joe :D
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Re: Pilot Permission Update.

Post by ADAM-007 »

This is perfect Joe, Many thanks.
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