Aircraft Allowed in FSA

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Aircraft Allowed in FSA

Post by joefremont »

I am changing the rules a bit on what aircraft are allowed to be used in FSA, here are the new conditions where we will allow aircraft to be used by airlines. These changes should be considered experimental and can be revoked at any time, if these rules are revoked the purchase will be refunded but no complaining will be allowed.

Commercial Aircraft.

The aircraft must have received a civilian type certificate that allows it to accept charters by third parties and be sold to other airlines.

Also one of the following qualifications must be met:
  • Currently in production with at least one delivered to an airline customer and the number of aircraft produced and on order is greater than 6.
  • No longer being produced with at more than 6 delivered to airlines and actively used for more than two years and more than 250 revenue flights.
  • Military aircraft that can carry passengers or cargo where at least 10 were built and at least one sold to private customers and flown for a commercial purpose on a regular basis.
Special use aircraft.

One of the following qualifications:
  • Currently in production with at least one delivered to an airline customer and the number of aircraft produced and on order is less than 7.
  • No longer in production with no more than 6 delivered to airlines or actively used for less than two years or less than 250 revenue flights.
  • Military aircraft that can carry passengers or cargo where at least 20 were built, was in service for at least 5 years and where the Manufacturer either received a civilian type certificate for it or marketed it for civilian use but was unable to find purchasers and no other civilian version of the aircraft was sold.

So as a result of these changes you can now request as special use aircraft the Lockheed C-5, Lockheed C-141, Boeing C-17 and Airbus A400. These aircraft are cargo only unless they have an area specifically designed for passengers (the C-5 does). For now airlines will be limited to two aircraft of each type. Airlines should also remember that these aircraft while marketed were never bought by airlines, mainly because they are not very economical to operate. so if anyone complains "I can't make any money operating my C-17 or A400" the answer will be "I am not surprised and there is nothing I can do about it".

Remember that to buy Special use aircraft an airline must have at least five distinct active members who have recently flown flights and at least 1 Billion V$ in assets. Special use aircraft can not be sold or leased to other airlines. If you want one submit a support request asking.
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Re: Aircraft Allowed in FSA

Post by Tower »

Since we are simulating "preferably" real life operations, in fact is not really very useful the use of big military cargo (or passengers) carriers. Military staff takes no care about cost of maintenance or gas consumption.
On the other hand, the offer in the civil market is wide enough to choose among almost hundreds aircraft.
In my opinion, your suggestion is more than reasonable.
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Re: Aircraft Allowed in FSA

Post by jarek »

That rules are ok but i have a question.

What aboult plane as Antonov225 Mirja ? . Problem is only one been build (for russian space shouttle) but now is very successful as cargo plane.

To clarify, our Va is not going to buy one , its just theoretical question ?
"Poland Cargo VA" ---19 YEARS old - Vatsim VA
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Re: Aircraft Allowed in FSA

Post by joefremont »

jarek wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:36 pm Hi
That rules are ok but i have a question.

What aboult plane as Antonov225 Mirja ? . Problem is only one been build (for russian space shouttle) but now is very successful as cargo plane.

To clarify, our Va is not going to buy one , its just theoretical question ?
We do allow the AN-225, since only one has been built and it is often used for charter cargo flights its allowed as a 'special use' aircraft and larger airlines are allowed to have one. if you want one, submit a support request asking for it.
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Re: Aircraft Allowed in FSA

Post by jarek »

No, thx. no at this moment. We ok with plane that we got.
"Poland Cargo VA" ---19 YEARS old - Vatsim VA
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Re: Aircraft Allowed in FSA

Post by hojalataphp »

It is a somewhat controversial issue because the simulation will depend a lot on the vision of each person, this is very Subjective
because we are simulating and shaping operations in our airlines, some attached to reality and others very creative.
Personally, I accept the decision because it comes from an administrator and who could oppose it ...

But cases like the personal hangar where no profit can be generated are very interesting topics that vary from the position of each one, many have personal planes that are exploited on private or tourist flights. So not being able to make a profit is very much up to the personal vision of the creator of the fsa ..

In my case, I have been fighting for the ORION, it is a painful decision because there are two versions that can be added that cannot be added due to lack of technical data.

Flying an ORION is something unique that for nothing in the world will be the same as an L188, the L188 IS a very poor team.

In my country, two cargo companies operated warplanes of the military aviation to assist in the misfortune of Haiti, planes that were not designed for cargo, so I consider it subjective because even one configures the simulator for storm and simulates research flights meteorological. (That is my intention of wanting to obtain this equipment)
BUT all that goes in the disposition that the creators have to allow these new dynamics of use ...
Personally, I respect your decision because at all times you have been a gentleman towards my airline and I respect and admire your work. but for me it is a regrettable decision.
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