Forum Rules and Regulations

Post any Wiki-related topics here

Moderators: alasizon, FSAirlines Staff

FSAirlines DB and Wiki Admin
Posts: 865
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:08 am
Location: PHX

Forum Rules and Regulations

Post by alasizon »

1. While using the forum, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to enjoy the board. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other posters.

2. You may not post or communicate any poster's real world information (name, address, account name, etc.) if they have not already communicated it themselves on the Forum, or without their consent.

3. You may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language. You WILL be banned if you do not abide by this rule.

4. You may not post or link to any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content.

5. You may not spam, flood, or make duplicate posts. Topic titles must be descriptive No 'one word' titles. No titles such as "Check this out" or "Look here" either, they are confusing and hard to manage. Proper topic titling maintains a ‘clean’ and healthy forum.

6. You may not impersonate any FSAirlines member.

7. You may not violate any local, state, national, or international laws or regulations.

8. You may not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any pirated or illegal copyrighted material while using the FSAirlines Forum.

9. You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel while on the FSAirlines Forum. IE listen to Moderators and Administrators.

10. You may not organize nor be a member of any pledges or groups within the FSAirlines Forum that are based on or espouse any racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-semetic, or other hatemongering philosophies. If there is found to be any groups such as those mentioned above, it will be dealt with expeditiously.

11. You may not provide false information or intentionally hide any information when registering for your FLYnet Forum account. You may register under a callsign, but false email addresses etc, are prohibited.

12. You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the FSAirlines Forum, FSAirlines Wiki or FSAirlines website.

13. There will be no advertising for any businesses on this board. Violators will be warned once. Bannanation is the result for continued non-compliance.

14. No politically-charged posts. These only serve to cause arguments and flames and have no place on this board. If you wish to discuss politics, there are plenty of political boards out there.

General Conduct

1. Abuse will not be tolerated.

No flaming, trolling, harassing, profanity, abusive language or abbreviations, personal attacks, racial, religious, ethnic, or sexual slurs.

This applies to both “public” threads and private
messages. Do not link out from a post or private message to these types of content.

Flaming is defined as attacking others in harsh, personal terms.

Trolling is defined as deliberately posting derogatory, inflammatory comments/threads in order to bait other users into responding.

Personal attacks include, but are not limited to insulting a poster directly.

Directly attacking another poster will result in a warning. If the behavior persists, you will be banned.

No personal attacks against forum moderators. If you disagree with an action taken by a moderator, you can send your complaint via PM to the moderator or admin where it will be reviewed.

Posting solely to single out a poster for ridicule is also prohibited.

2. No spamming or thread bumping.

There are no circumstances under which spamming or thread bumping is acceptable. If you ask a question on the board and it hasn’t been addressed by a moderator, there is a reason for that (or there is not an answer currently available). Bumping or spamming will not make the answer appear any faster, so please refrain from doing it. This includes, but is not limited to: comments not contributing to the board, advertisements, cross posts, and messages posted repeatedly. The exception to this rule is a VA announcement. You may place one post in your VA forum and if you WISH, you may place a duplicate of this post in the VA GENERAL forum.

3. No “Petitioning.”

Do not create threads/posts to “petition” FSAirlines for features, additions, changes, or other issues. You may post suggestions and/or ideas to the forum, but you may not create a ‘petition’ for others to sign. This is bumping in disguise and will not be allowed.

4. No “Calling Out.”

Do not create threads/posts asking for an FSAirlines Member to address an issue, or respond. Instead, create a well thought out post with a descriptive title. FSAirlines Members read the boards regularly and will see your post. If they have a comment about the issue, they will add it. This rule includes any threads accusing an airline of cheating in some way shape or form, will be deleted. All inquiries/complaints should be made to one of the admins, or to

5. Censorship Posts.

All posts referring to message board censorship will be removed. All message board content is allowed/removed at the discretion of FSAirlines. These posts will be removed and the poster warned. Any further posts will be removed, and the poster will be banned from the message boards. Also, working around a ban to continue posting is also prohibited and may incur an extension of a current ban.

No personal attacks against forum moderators. If you disagree with an action taken by a moderator, you can send your complaint via PM to the moderator or to an admin where it will be reviewed.

6. Swearing.

Please refrain from abusive language. Excesses will be Dealt with swifty.

7. Respect the opinions of others

Often times arguments cannot be won, so if you have a contrasting opinion, please state it simply and clearly. If necessary, agree to disagree with others who may have differing opinions. When discussions turn to long, hostile arguments, the thread will be closed or removed.

Also, do not respond to others opinions by suggesting that they “just quit” or with the implication that they are just “whining/crying.” This is NOT constructive.

C. Wiki Specific Rules

1. Advertisements for pages are not acceptable here.

2. If you have a question about the way the wiki works, feel free to ask it here using a descriptive title and post body in order for us to get back to you in a timely fashion.
Matt-FSAirlines DB Admin