Crash or client glitch?

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Crash or client glitch?

Post by dgor »

Hi all,

A recent flight for my VA has been recorded as a crash by the client and shows as a crash on the website. However, the aircraft in question is recorded as being at the destination aircraft with a status of 99%. Is this normal? I would have thought that it would be lower after a crash, so is it possible that this is a glitch (especially since the pilot reported that his FS9 crashed too at the time of the incident)? If so could something be done about the 19 points of reputation lost by the airline due to the crash?

Or is this a legitimate crash? It must have been at a very low speed for the aircraft to lose less than 0.5% of its status. Could someone help me out here?


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Post by joefremont »

I have been surprised at how little damage is done to aircraft in a 'crash'. Do you remember what the nature of this crash was? Did you tap a building? Land too hard? Stall at FL360 and plummet to the earth? I think it has a lot to do with your velocity at the time the flight ended.
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Post by dgor »


It wasn't me who crashed it so to be honest I couldn't tell you. I just find it strange that so little damage was done and the aircraft still ended up at the destination airport.

