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Post by meatstack »

At the risk of sounding crackpot-esque, I saw something very strange tonight, wondering if anyone has any theories:

I saw a single flash, like a plane flying at high altitude, while walking my dog. it was located at about 55 degrees from the Horizon.

My gaze was focused on that spot, assuming I would see it flash again in a short distance, however the next one was at about 95 degrees from the Horizon.

"Wow, that made good time" I think. the third flash is at about 135 degrees. Each flash about 1-1.5 seconds apart. There could easly have been a fourth, or even one before the first, but trees and houses blocked my view of that part of the sky.

Made no sound that I could hear.

I would think that it had to be somewhat up there, because I'm only one mile from the end of RWY 27R at KCMH, and for it to make this kind of ground at a reasonable speed, it would have to be in the controlled airspace. Additionally, at that altitude, it should make a sound.

I'm not one to believe in little green guys, so I'm not saying UFO in the Roswell manner, it was just was it is, unidentified.

My theory is something from Wright-Patterson AFB, which is literally just a couple hours to my West.

Any better theories?
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Post by avalonceo »

lightning occuring over the horizon refracting of high altitude ice particles would be my explanation

Re: UFO?

Post by vknierim »

meatstack wrote: it was located at about 55 degrees from the Horizon.
What do you mean by this angles? Azimuth or Altitude(Elevation)? Although an altitude (elevation) of > 90 degrees would not make much sense in the "normal" alt-az coordinate system.
meatstack wrote: My theory is something from Wright-Patterson AFB, which is literally just a couple hours to my West.

Any better theories?
Maybe a (very fast.....) satellite or the ISS?



Post by meatstack »

I must admit I did not pay attention to this section of Math class.

I got my numbers as if I set a protractor on it's edge on the ground, and read off the angle in which my eye saw the thing.

I had not thought of the ISS. Good call.
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Post by avalonceo »

Not only could it be lightning reflecting of high altitude ice particles, but it could also be whats called a sprite ( a mambo jambo lighning bolt) reflecting or refracting off high altitude moisture particles.
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Post by Ionathan »

Lots of people have seen a similar phonomenon this summer around Attica. Some people I know have seen it as well and I consider them trustworthy in what they say. In most cases it was a light appearing from the direction of the sun during sunset (west). It appeared quite in static in the beggining (actually moving with slow speed) but then it seemed to speed up, cross the whole sky in a straight line and exit their view going to the east. The whole movement, after speeding up, took not more than a couple of seconds. I could understand there may be some exaggeration in crossing the whole sky before it dissapears but the truth is it has been something which captured everybody's attention.
Being a slave to the "dark age of reason", I could say it must have been a meteors' rain or something similar (not a green creatures rain)... Oh, my God, I see a green creature!!!!
Ionathan Airlines

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