Premium Account Updates

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Premium Account Updates

Post by joefremont »

Hi Flyers, with the upcoming updates for automated pilots it we updating the number of pilots each premium account can allow in an airline. The new limits are:

Platinum Account:
- 30 Human pilots and 20 Automated pilots with a maximum combined total of 40 for each account.
Gold Account:
- 6 Human pilots and 4 Automated pilots with a maximum combined total of 8 for each account.

The old limits are:

Platinum Account:
- For airlines founded before August 2023: 50 Pilots for the first platinum account and 25 for each additional.
- For airlines founded after August 2023: 25 Pilots for each platinum account.
Gold Account:
- 5 Pilots for each gold account.

The new limits will apply to all airlines as of January 1, 2025. If the new limits for your VA are better than the old limits you will be able to take advantage of them as soon as deploy my next set of update to the main site. There are a few airlines (9) that will have more pilots than allowed under the new limits that were ok under the old limits, for those airlines where it is going to cause a hardship I will work with you to find a solution.

You many notice that under the new limits the cost of using FSA will now be 1 euro per regular pilot per year.
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