Touchdown speed = n.a.

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Touchdown speed = n.a.

Post by Goldenwing2k »

Hi! Not sure if it's a bug or not but I have this issue:
Today I made flight on A321 (model from ToLiss) and got "touchdown speed = n.a." in flight report. The landing was absolutly normal, my Lua script calculate it as 121 ft/m, so it wasn't "runway kiss" or hard hit.
Actually my usual plane for last few months was B738 and I never had such things. Few months ago I did flights on A321 model and there it was ok.
Does it's could be some kind of error in interaction between XP and Client or anything else? Sure, I'll try this model once more.

Best regards,
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Re: Touchdown speed = n.a.

Post by Cat »

Happens from time to time - I've had it happen in FSX and FSX-Steam too. Seems more prevelant in the newer sims so it's probably a "burp" whereby the Client isn't quite sure or thinks it got a positive rate of climb and thus says "no call" with NA.
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Re: Touchdown speed = n.a.

Post by Goldenwing2k »

Well, maybe. Will try today again.
It's XP11.55, so it's not so fresh sim :)

UPD: works fine this time. So, maybe it's just floating "something" :)
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