Jumping aircraft

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Jumping aircraft

Post by highsea »

I landed my last flight. after landing the aircraft jump when taxing and was logged as a crash. is there some way of change this? I was using Dreamwings dash-8-400Q and running FSX

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Post by cmdrnmartin »

This is an issue with either

b)The airport AFCAD.

Flynet only logs the crash, the cause of the crash is somewhere in the SImulator itself. I believe in FS9 there were issues at several airports, although I can't remember which ones they were at. If you search the bugs forum, I'm sure you'll find the thread. There might be a stopgap solution in there, if not, I would suggest noting what airport it occured at and where at the airport. Check the AFCADs to see if there is a terrain jump there or something.


Post by highsea »

CYYT St. John, just after turning off runway 16 on to taxiway Golf
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Post by avalonceo »

wish i could help but i don't have FSX, my best advice is to go back to FS2004 :) But for the record i have never had taxi trouble in CYYT with default or other afcads, so most likely a fsx afcad issue i would think.
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Post by joefremont »

I have had this happen to me in FS2004 using default scenery (fortunatly not in a flynet flight). So I don't think you can blame this on FSX, best thing you can do is turn off crash detection.
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Post by cmdrnmartin »

Fixed it, basic contact point issue.

Go into your aircraft.cfg

The first contact point, change the damping value from 3.000 to .5
point.0= 1.000, 26.000, 0.000, -6.700, 3000.000, 0.000, 0.500, 55.000, 0.200, 3.500, .500, 4.800, 4.800, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000

No bounce in the model anymore! Yay!

This is for the Q200, but I'm guessing it will solve other aircraft bouncing issues. If the value in that space is higher than 1.0, reduce it to under 1, and voila, no bouncing!
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Post by cmdrnmartin »

In addition, a new design group is plannign to release the entire Q series as freeware by the end of february.


There models are awesome, and the FDE top rate!