Taxi Problem

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Taxi Problem

Post by joefremont »

I was starting to taxi to the runway last night as was going pretty slow ( < 10kn) when the aircraft I was using suddenly started getting those unexplained bounces that FS aircraft sometimes get, the wheels must have left the ground on one of the bounces and since I had only the taxi lights on not the landing lights I got the 'Bong' indicating I had a violation. Since I had barely started I just killed the client and started over, but I think the client should not be so sensitive. Maybe waiting till your 50' AGL before triggering the violation.
I've sworn an oath of solitude until the pestilence is purged from the lands.

Post by BigQ »

Excellent idea. I've experienced those before...
Mark UKD171

Post by Mark UKD171 »

Hi Joe, sounds like you were lucky compared to one of our pilots.
He had just completed a flight using a Dash 8-400 from and was taxiing to the gate when his plane started jumping.
The client registered it as a crash!! :cry:

I've tried the same model and experienced it on my pc (without the client running) - seems there must be something in the aircraft.cfg or .air file. :roll:
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Post by Konny »

Ok, I put it on the ToDo-list. I myself know that problem mainly from the standard C208 Caravan.
Konrad - FSAirlines Developer
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aircraft Crash Problem

Post by carthorse »

I had a similar problem. I was sitting at the ramp boarding, when my plane bounced and flipped upside down. This happened 3 times. Now my reputation is 20...whereas it was 71. Can this be corrected?

Do we just throw out aircraft that have this anomally?
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Re: aircraft Crash Problem

Post by cmdrnmartin »

carthorse wrote:I had a similar problem. I was sitting at the ramp boarding, when my plane bounced and flipped upside down. This happened 3 times. Now my reputation is 20...whereas it was 71. Can this be corrected?

Do we just throw out aircraft that have this anomally?
That sounds more like it's a model issue, or a slewing issue...
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Re: aircraft Crash Problem

Post by carthorse »

cmdrnmartin wrote:That sounds more like it's a model issue, or a slewing issue...
I hadn't used slew at all. Was just sitting on the ramp. I had reset the flight, and changed aircrafts back and try and fix the issue.
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Post by CAPFlyer »

This problem is pretty common. There are three things that cause this issue -

1) Model contact points have too much rebound (the bouncing)

2) The Airport AFCAD has an error in it that has a "join" with slightly different altitude than the rest of the airport, causing the "jump"

3) Weight and Balance out of the allowable envelope

Any one or a combination will cause this problem. The test is to go offline at the airport in question and go over the area where the "jump" occurs in both default and addon aircraft. If they all jump, then it's an AFCAD problem. If you're sitting on the ramp and it starts bouncing, then it's an issue with the model and you need to adjust it to have softer suspension. If you don't know how to adjust the "Aircraft.CFG" file, then I would suggest talking to the airplane's designer and having them send you an adjusted CFG file instead of trying to do it yourself because it's not a simple fix to perform most of the time.
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Taxi Problem

Post by carthorse »

Is there anything i can do about my airline now or do i have to start all over? My reputation is so low i can't get enough passengers to turn a i'm -10 mill$ now.

Mod Edit: Send a PM to Konny detailing your problem. Please do not spam the boards as well.
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Post by Konny »

yup, tell me your airline's name and I can fix it.
Konrad - FSAirlines Developer