Aircraft Transfers

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Re: Aircraft Transfers

Post by joefremont »

Hi Sam, Yes after reading your posts I was thinking a 50% increase would be in order, moving it yourself should be cheaper than hiring someone to do it for your.

I do admit that when I have moved aircraft myself I never thought about zeroing the passengers and cargo. I always just let the system do its thing and the transfer flights paid for themselves. Maybe a 'ferry flight' option in the charter flight page that sets passengers and cargo to zero and lifts the range restrictions (assuming ferry tanks were installed) would encourage more pilots to use it.

I am curious about when you said:
as we would not have Euro credentials to haul for profit, this would be US FAA part 91 ferry flight
We have always been a very open boarders platform, you can fly and carry passengers any where you want, including between countries that are rivals/enemies where in the real world it would be impossible. I wonder if we should incorporate that here, probably not, I like our non political world we have here.
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Re: Aircraft Transfers

Post by Cat »

One thing we don't have in our world is "air carrier certification" - aka permits to fly for profit in certain (or all) parts of the world. I was imagining my little air charter operation in Michigan USA would not be permitted to fly for hire over in Europe because our operation centers on US/Canada. Therefore we would have to eat the cost of ferrying the airplane with 0 pax and 0 cargo

Yes to keeping it simple regarding "borders". I was just explaining how I think of it as there is no rule that VA's cannot put their own restrictions upon themselves regarding geographic operational areas.
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Re: Aircraft Transfers

Post by Mesquaki »

Cat wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:53 am This is all just FYI for anyone who cares (prolly nobody) from someone bored with winter in Michigan and looking for something new to do. LOL
A very helpful experiment indeed, and appreciate you taking time to share the results. Could have dropped you off some fresh baking at CYYR since we are around that area. Next time... :)
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