MSFS B787-100 fuel burn

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MSFS B787-100 fuel burn

Post by MikeC »

If you have used the 787-100 in MSFS then you will be aware that the fuel burn rate is ridiculously low. There is a fix for this, just search for B78XH mod on the internet. This mod brings the fuel burn rate up to a more realistic level by increasing the fuel_flow_scalar from 0.8 to 1.1336 (the engine.cfg file that appears not to exist in the asbo model is now visible).
The mod also introduces a method of inputting simbrief flight plans directly into the FMC.

Hope this is of interest.

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Re: MSFS B787-100 fuel burn

Post by joefremont »

You must have a newer version than me, I just checked my MSFS install and I can't find an engines.cfg file in Official\OneStore\asobo-aircraft-b787-10\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_B787_10, am I missing something?

From what I have seen reviewing flights, 1.1336 may still be too low.
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Re: MSFS B787-100 fuel burn

Post by Cat »

for the 787-9, not sure how that would translate to a "100" or are you referring to the 787-10?

Real world ballpark specs for the 797-9 - but be advised fuel consumption varies with altitude, airspeed and payload.
9500-9700 lbs per hour
(4309-4400 kg per hour)

I would assume with the 10 being another fuselage section longer it would burn a bit more but not significantly.

These numbers reflect "normal operations", not they way some FSA gamers fly at full payload, full max range and max cruise speeds (or more).
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Re: MSFS B787-100 fuel burn

Post by MikeC »

My mistake - it is the 787-10.

Joe - The B78XH mod instals into the Community folder and the engine.cfg file is part of that mod. I would guess that if Asbo ever apply their own fix to the problem then that might be hidden by this mod.

I agree that the figure of 1.1336 is still too low. With the mod installed I burnt 23000 kg on a 1950m flight against the FSA expected 30000kg. But that was better than the 10000kg on an similar earlier flight that got reviewed.

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