Flight Revenue Transaction Audit

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Flight Revenue Transaction Audit

Post by joefremont »

Hi Flyers,

You may have noticed that some of your airlines account balances have changed a bit. I have been running some scripts trying to make sure that for each flight report there is one and only one transaction recording the revenue for the flight. In some cases flights were missing the transaction, in others there were multiple transactions.

Originally back when Konny first designed the transaction database table there was no implicit link from the transaction back to the flight report, if an adjustment had to be made it found it matching the VA id, value and the time of the flight report, sometimes for reasons unknown this would did not work and duplicate transactions could be created.

So yesterday I started up a program that for ever VA in the system it would go though all of its flight reports and tried to find the transaction associated with it. If one was found it added the report ID to the transaction, if it was not found a new transaction was created, for those transactions where no report could be found they were deleted. If transactions were added and overall they would result in an increase in revenue for the airline the original flight would be recalculated with a 25x multiplier instead of the original higher multiplier.

Some airlines have seen an increase in revenue, some lower but I hope the numbers are more accurate. For those who went down I have tried to make adjustments so they are not below zero.
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