Airline Rebranding (Name Change) Fee Proposal

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Airline Rebranding (Name Change) Fee Proposal

Post by Cat »

Should we adopt a program where VA owners get one free name change - a "mulligan" in golfing terms - and then have to pay a virtual fee for others thereafter?

Real airlines spend millions to rebrand their business and repainting aircraft is also an expensive endeavor.

I propose a base fee (to cover typical costs of changing brands with signs, PR materials, uniforms, etc) and then there was a motion to add a fee based on aircraft count for repainting the livery.

Any thoughts as to what the base fee and/or airplane charge should be?
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Re: Airline Rebranding (Name Change) Fee Proposal

Post by Ezaco »

First name change - Free
Second Name change - v$5,000,000
Every additional name change is an additional v$5mil - so your 5th name change would be v$20,000,000.

First logo change - free
Second logo change - v$2,000,000
Every additional logo change is an additional v$2mil, so your 5th logo change would be v$8,000,000. (This one is probably not as good an idea, so just every logo change after the first one is v$2mil?)

The only wonder I have about allowing automatic name changes is will it mess with the system too much - isn't that why Joe changes them himself currently?
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Re: Airline Rebranding (Name Change) Fee Proposal

Post by joefremont »

I would think the cost would depend on the size of the airline. You rebrand you have to repaint and update the interiors on all your aircraft and update the uniforms for all your employees. Also it costs less to repaint your C208 than your B777, so it probably be some base cost to handle the marketing and legal fees and then some function of the number/value of aircraft in your fleet.
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