Create New Fleet

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Create New Fleet

Post by Cat »

This is not a true "bug" but it certainly can be a problem if VA operators do not understand it:

When a new fleet is created, any rank that has aircraft access by fleet will have that new fleet access defaulted to NO. The new fleet must be manually assigned to all ranks that need access to the new fleet.
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Re: Create New Fleet

Post by joefremont »

Humm, in recent updates we changed the permission default from yes when creating a fleet to default no when creating a fleet, seamed everyone was in agreement at the time. But what to do about it. Thinking on it by default permissions are not by fleet, so if a VA is limiting permissions by fleet and they add a new fleet I would think not having permission would be the most intuitive.
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Re: Create New Fleet

Post by Cat »

Yup I agree - it's just a thing I thought people should be aware of. We split our main fleet yesterday to a new hub and this morning I got messages from pilots with no access to the aircraft that were relocated in the new flight. Whoopsie.

The same feature holds true for new aircraft acquired. The type rating will always default to NO in all ranks.

Just something operators need to be aware of as they set up new fleets and add new aircraft types.

I was thinking about assembling an "FSA User Manual" in pdf form this morning, then thought about where to start and coming to the realization that with all the features available, this will be many many pages - like a pilot manual on a complex aircraft. :lol:

But I still think it's needed and I will tackle the project soon. An online pdf is far easier to update than remaking my tutorial video's, many of which are now outdated due to changes in the system.
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