Technical Stop Update

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Technical Stop Update

Post by joefremont »

Hi Flyers.

Today I released a fix for technical stops that a lot of people have asked about but I had not gotten around to till today.

Now when you create, update or book a flight when the system checks to see if the aircraft has the range to make the flight, technical stops are taken into account. It checks the distance and will calculate for up to three stops, now some will complain that I should check more because you can put up to 10 airports in as technical stops, but the computations on that would be too much. Checking every combination with ten possible technical stops would be over 5 million combinations, as it is with 3 stops we have up to 5760 combinations but that is manageable.

Right now in the briefing document you will get a "Technical Stop Required" warning in the text but nothing beyond that. Since I just released RC1 of the new client its features are frozen so nothing new will be added to it, but I can see a future client giving a penalty for missing a required technical stop. It all depends on if pilots abuse it.

Now the import flight plan function does not check range when its importing, but since booking flight also checks I can let that slide.

I did make one other change to the import flight plan function today, if someone has a flight booked it will not allow you to 'replace' all existing routes with those being imported.
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