For those who are interested in flying the C130's in our fleet, 300kts TAS Which is around 0.5M equates as follows:
FL200 = 222 KIAS
FL210 = 219 KIAS
FL220 = 215 KIAS
FL230 = 212 KIAS
FL240 = 208 KIAS At this alt, fuel flow to maintain 208 KIAS is about 900 lbs/hr per engine at around 8000 pounds torque. (see below for corrected cruise)
FL250 = 204 KIAS
FL260 = 201 KIAS
FL270 = 198 KIAS
FL280 = 194 KIAS
Max engine conditions are either 19600 pounds torque OR 1080C PTIT which should not be exceeded.
Climp power is 1010 PTIT
** Cruise update **
Cruise altitude of FL240-FL280 and Engines set by PTIT value... max cruise PTIT of 985 C, though long range cruise could be back at around 890 C. Unsure of fuel flows but will get back to edit info when discovered.