Good Day!
After the site was updated, some days ago, it came up a problem by booking the flights on our webpage of Apollo Airlines and non of our pilots can book a flight, except if he try from fsairlines site.
When Selecting "Flight Booking" even thought, both Pilot and A/C are available, message "No bookable flight found!" is displayed.
We are aware that this is an old issue to other VA's, but it came up to us just the day after the fsairlines site update.
George Trifyllis
Apollo Airlines
Error: No bookable flight found!
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Re: Error: No bookable flight found!
I think I fixed this problem about one week ago.
Konrad - FSAirlines Developer

Re: Error: No bookable flight found!
No bookable flight found ! This is the error I receive when I try to book a flight from V.A's website.
Does anyone have any idea how can be solved?
Thank You
No bookable flight found ! This is the error I receive when I try to book a flight from V.A's website.
Does anyone have any idea how can be solved?
Thank You

Re: Error: No bookable flight found!
Let's say..only 50% ..
now my flight is listed ...

but after clicking on icon ..i receive this

now my flight is listed ...

but after clicking on icon ..i receive this

- FSAirlines Developer
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Re: Error: No bookable flight found!
Next time this happens can you please tell me the url of the page where the problem occurs? There seems to be a problem with the title=off option.
Konrad - FSAirlines Developer

Re: Error: No bookable flight found!
this is our web page with "the problem" :

- FSAirlines Developer
- Posts: 1564
- Joined: Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:40 am
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Re: Error: No bookable flight found!
Thanks, I can see the problem now. Your iframe-tag looks like this:
As you can see there is a =off at the end of the url which you have to remove. It should be:
Code: Select all
<iframe id="blockrandom2" name="iframe" src="" width="830" height="325" scrolling="Auto" align="center" frameborder="0" class="wrapper"> </iframe>
Code: Select all
Konrad - FSAirlines Developer