ok, fixed that. But I found out that the aircraft I put on the market wasn't there anymore. Maybe that happened to you aswell. If it did, just put them on the market again.
alpet wrote:Maybe I didn't understand something... but where are all requesting planes from the Market place? Are they be added in database?
If you have requested an "out of production aircraft" they are placed on the traders page about once a fortnight and you have to keep looking or somebody else will take them.
alpet wrote:Maybe I didn't understand something... but where are all requesting planes from the Market place? Are they be added in database?
somebody else will take them.
very STUPID and UNREAL option.
Yeah, giving you access instantly to out of production aircraft is unrealistic. Maybe I should just make you wait 1~2 years, until a frame becomes availible... That's realistic! And of course, it's highly unrealistic to think that in the real world high-demand airframes arn't aggressively purchased by those airlines quick enough to find them...