Idea About Cargo

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Idea About Cargo

Post by bbugday »

As you are all aware when we get packages we can deliver them within a 50 mile radius.
However when pciking up cargo we can only get it from the departure airport.
My suggestions is making the the necessary changes so we can also get cargo from airports that are withing a 50 mile radius to our departure airport without the need to fly there.

I think it would be a nice addiiton especiially to areas there cargo is limited.

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Re: Idea About Cargo

Post by joefremont »

This idea has come up before, but so far I have resisted it, partly worried about the complexity of the accounting, partly worried about the hoarders scooping up all the good packages and not leaving any for others.

There are unfortunately too many AN-225's in the system and they come in clean out an airport, if they could clean out the surrounding airports at the same time it would make me cringe. I know an airline can have only one of those and AN-124's and B744's can also do a pretty good job cleaning out an airport but they can only take half as much.

I may do something, I have had some ideas on changing the way packages are paid if you only take them part of the way and may be I can do something about this at the same time but unfortunately it will be some time for I can start on that.
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Re: Idea About Cargo

Post by Cat »

Simple solution that would start a Holy War is to remove AN-225's from the package system, make em fly generic cargo only or the super size cargo larger than 4409's. That would sure cause a s....storm with the 225 lovers tho. :shock: :lol:

People don't seem to remember there is ONE, count em, 1 - AN225 in the real world. And it only flies specialized cargo as the cost to operate it is so staggering. C-17's, C-5A's, AN225's and A380's stripped of seats are NOT in the normal real world freight business, sorry. But gamers love to chase big numbers and are usually the same people who fudge fuel numbers to gain even more income to achieve what? Bragging rights over other gamers who also cheat? Sometimes I just have to laugh at the male ego thing. Oh well. nuff said, time to shush.
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Re: Idea About Cargo

Post by joefremont »

There are some aircraft like the Beluga and 744 LCF that have the oversized cargo hold where they still have there normal lower deck hold under the main cargo area and can carry normal cargo there where they can't carry normal cargo in the main area. So I have though about adding a 'standard cargo' limit that can be lower than the total cargo limit. I could apply this to the AN-225 where it could carry 2 x 100,000 kg packages but only up to 80,000 kg of 2000 kg or smaller, but I have no real world reason to base that on, I did read that "It has become an asset to international relief organizations for its ability to quickly transport huge quantities of emergency supplies during disaster-relief operations" so, maybe I just leave it for now.
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