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Hard landing over exceed maximum landing weight

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:02 am
by alanchong
Hi All,

I have to confess that there were 2 times hard landing (-519fpm & -613pm) and one exceed MAX landing weight in last 3 flights.
But interesting is that they were judged as perfect flights.
I'm sure that minor penalty is disable, but why I didn't get a penalty?

SIM: FS2020
Plane: B787

Thank you!

Re: Hard landing over exceed maximum landing weight

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:44 pm
by joefremont
For the hard landing, while we officially say 600 fpm there is a some amount of padding in there and I think you were just under that.

For the MLW 'advisory' the client looks does not look at the weight in the sim but calculates based on aircraft weight from the db, payload from the manifest and fuel from the sim. So if the aircraft or payload weight in the sim is different from what the site thinks it should have been that could explain your situation.

Re: Hard landing over exceed maximum landing weight

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 12:48 am
by Efad
joe fremont.
You should have the client read the MLW or the LW of the simulator that the aircraft is actually carrying

Re: Hard landing over exceed maximum landing weight

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 12:59 am
by joefremont
The problem with reading from the sim is that the sim is too easy to manipulate. If the booked flight is supposed to carry 100,000 kg of cargo and they load 0 kg of cargo the number in the sim is meaningless.