24/7 Flight Simulator FSInn Network + Teamspeak Channel
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:09 am
Dear CEO’s
We would like to offer you and your community the opportunity to fly on the latest flight simulator multi-player network with Virtual.
The network is FSinn(http://www.fsvirtual.com). As I am sure you are aware this network has been tried and tested by communities such as “VATSIM”. The network is very reliable and will eliminate certain problems that some of your pilots may be having, for example if your “gamespy” session drops and the pilot is not at his computer he may very well loose his flight.
We would like to invite you to come and join us on our network which has been running continuously from September 2011 without any connection problems other than a few man made problems (which were quickly rectified), and fly in a relaxed atmosphere with like-minded individuals all flying for various Virtual airlines/Communities without the “strictness” of following ATC. So you can fly together with Microsoft® Flight Simulator FSX, X-Plane and FS2004.
If you are interested in joining your Virtual Airline. http://www.fsvirtual.com
So what can FSVirtual offer to you and your Virtual Airline / Group
1. 24/7 FSInn Server for free.
2. 24/7 Teamspeak for free.
3. Virtual Airline Channel on Teamspeak.
4. FSVirtual will Lease a Aircraft at a ( low cost ) to your new airline to help to get you on your way on FSAirlines only.
5. FSVirtual will Advertise your VA on our website ( http://www.fsvirtual.com ) for free.
6. FSVirtual will buy a aircraft to lease to your VA for 30 Days ( low cost ), Until you can buy the aircraft from FSVirtual at the lowest price on the condition you use FSInn Network for 20 Days or more.
If you like to try it out for free so why not add your VA to FSVirtual as a Partnership.
Free of charge from http://www.fsvirtual.com
We would like to offer you and your community the opportunity to fly on the latest flight simulator multi-player network with Virtual.
The network is FSinn(http://www.fsvirtual.com). As I am sure you are aware this network has been tried and tested by communities such as “VATSIM”. The network is very reliable and will eliminate certain problems that some of your pilots may be having, for example if your “gamespy” session drops and the pilot is not at his computer he may very well loose his flight.
We would like to invite you to come and join us on our network which has been running continuously from September 2011 without any connection problems other than a few man made problems (which were quickly rectified), and fly in a relaxed atmosphere with like-minded individuals all flying for various Virtual airlines/Communities without the “strictness” of following ATC. So you can fly together with Microsoft® Flight Simulator FSX, X-Plane and FS2004.
If you are interested in joining your Virtual Airline. http://www.fsvirtual.com
So what can FSVirtual offer to you and your Virtual Airline / Group
1. 24/7 FSInn Server for free.
2. 24/7 Teamspeak for free.
3. Virtual Airline Channel on Teamspeak.
4. FSVirtual will Lease a Aircraft at a ( low cost ) to your new airline to help to get you on your way on FSAirlines only.
5. FSVirtual will Advertise your VA on our website ( http://www.fsvirtual.com ) for free.
6. FSVirtual will buy a aircraft to lease to your VA for 30 Days ( low cost ), Until you can buy the aircraft from FSVirtual at the lowest price on the condition you use FSInn Network for 20 Days or more.
If you like to try it out for free so why not add your VA to FSVirtual as a Partnership.
Free of charge from http://www.fsvirtual.com