I just noticed that our airline reputation, previously found at 94 this morning, fell to 1...
Also my total pilot money went from 17695v$ to 10v$... could you please change this?
Thank you
Adrien Quenneville
Manager, CYYB Hub
Ontario Air Service
Could you please fix this:
Moderator: FSAirlines Staff
It may be the "unexpected" crash my computer had when my lear ran out of gas for no apparent reason...... Does anyone know of a way of getting the gear and flaps down on a lear when both engines quit? I decided not to disgrace my airline by just shutting down the computer (gf behind me at the time) and getting on with some RL.
I'm thinkin that that is what killed the rep. However BigQ's pilots cash doesn't tie into that directly so it's just a guess.