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To CAPFlyer

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:32 am
by MadJosch
Hello CAPFlyer (or Christopher),

this is intended to be a reply to your post Resignation.

Thanks mate, you express exactly what I feel. And I'm sure there are even more.
I'd like to thank you for all your work you did for us and apologize for all the rubbish you had to bear from us.

You are right, it's a pity that we don't hear anything from the developers for weeks. You had to be the only one to run the business - and even don't get paid for it.

I remember the times when FS Airlines was not-to-pay-for-service-ware, when I had to spend hours to read all the postings in forums. But nowadays I check new posts and it reads "no suitable matches were found".

FSA tended to be innovative and developing - now it's stagnating.

What will come next?

my 2 cents

Re: To CAPFlyer

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:57 pm
by alemaobaiano

I would also like to express my appreciation and admiration for all that you have done for for Flynet/FSAirlines over the years, on many occasions you were the only "face" of the "management" that made an appearance, and you have generally maintained a level of patience that I certainly don't possess.

I think that many of us share the same views as you about the future here, and the total lack of communication from the developers and the implementation of idiotic awards (think Top 5) instead of the almost universally requested realism options. In that I think that your leaving may well be the final straw for many, if you aren't around, who will take care of the day to day running of the system?

I understand that the devs have lives, but many of us do too, and we put in a lot of time for our VAs. Jörg is absolutely right, FSAirlines is stagnating, look at the recent lack of activity on the forums. This used to be a thriving and active community, now days go by without a new post.

We are planning a new direction for our VA next year, and were already doubting the wisdom of staying on FSAirlines. From a user point of view almost nothing has changed since we started paying, and we have absolutely no idea what will happen in the future. If the devs don't communicate with the DB admin, what chance for the rest of us? You could always be relied upon for an quick answer seemingly 24/7(even if it wasn't always the one we wanted to hear), and your aviation knowledge and experience has helped many of us over the years (I flew for VHA for a time too).

So, once again, thanks for everything you have done for the community here, and enjoy your flying.