Installation of new planes

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Installation of new planes

Post by MOW »

Hi !

I do not know if someone has at least the first approcah to an answer to my problem.

Currently, I just can fly the basic FSX planes.

If I try to install payware or freeware of new planes, like DC4 v2.1, or the official extensions like regional pilot providing some new kind of planes, I always go to a blue screen in less than 10 seconds when trying to fly them, with the famous and boring message bad_pool_header :( .

I do not see any reason for FSX basic planes to work fine, and for even payware ones not to. Of course, do not espect resellers to try to provide you any support, as usual. They are even not trying to answer my email.

So, if some one see one reason for this problem to occur only with non FSX basic planes, I will be very pleased to extend my VA EPSILON with new flying legends (searching for DC4 and Constellation for African HUB) or new flying lords (A380 and so on).

Thk in advance !

PS : at least, when I will change my computer for a new one only dedicated and built for FSX, I hope it will solve this problem... :D
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Re: Installation of new planes

Post by flightsimer »

what step exactly are you at when it crashes?
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Re: Installation of new planes

Post by MOW »

Installation : OK

To choose the aircraft and to have it turning in the main FSX menu page, playing with the mouse several minutes to test : OK

Then No problems during the launch to the airport to start the fly.

After, it depends...
Sometimes, it happens few seconds after being starting the ignition procedures (few seconds).
Sometimes it happens few minutes after, whereas I'm on the taxi or even taking off the runway. But it never goes more than 10 minutes perhpas.

This happens with all planes models, whatever their origin : ABACUS, french equivalent MICRO APPLICATION, and even freewares from the net (as AVSIM or Rikoooo, Rikoooo being known as serious and having tried the models proposed to users). It could be AT45, simple V35 Bonanza, or DC4 and so on. I linked this to another experience : I just cannot use FSREPAINT, because it is doing the same. Something to see with DDS extensions ?

At my level, I checked of course my drivers, and so on, but no solution. And quite ununderstandable that it does not happen to basic FSX planes, but It does to all other models...

Thk to want to help me, hoping it could give some ideas. But to say the truth, I tried several forums and I do not find the answer... Perhaps a DELL conception concern ?

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Re: Installation of new planes

Post by edwinb77 »


Which operating system are you running?

And what is the exact error you getting?? Anything found on google?

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Re: Installation of new planes

Post by flightsimer »

this is gonna sound stupid, but do you have multiple users on your computer?
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Re: Installation of new planes

Post by MOW »

At least, one good news : the resellers answered yesterday, after 7 tries and silence procedure... Perhaps he is reading everyday this forum ? :D

I have just sent him my DXDIAG information, hoping he will answer.

@ Edwin. My OS is XP SP3 on a dual core T2500 (2.00 Ghz), 2 GB RAM and a single poor ATI RADEON X 1400. At least, enough to run FSX at a middle level with 12 to 30 FPS. My FSX is SP2.
The problem is really strange, but logical for sure. Because only extra-planes are concerned, not sceneries, not basic FSX planes. Only extra-plane whichever origin they are. More and less, it looks to be a graphic matter, because, from time to time, the screen is suddenly becoming like if you had a television not well arranged to receive a channel. It means, the image is trembling or streaked. Then, it switched to the famous blue screen with physical memory emptied and BAD_POOL_HEADER error message. So it is logical (happening only to extra-planes) but quite difficult to understand (why does it not happen to basic FSX planes ?). Because I do not succeed in using FSREPAINT, my conclusion is that this is linked. What's about DDS files ?

@ Flightsimer : I'm the only user on my computer. And at this state, nothing sounds stupid when you do not see any reason for the incident to apply !!

Thk to you, friendly pilots, to try to give some help. If the reseller is able not only to answer but to solve the matter, I will say you what was going on ! If not, I will continue to fly the basic planes, growing more and more impatient to buy a new computer as soon as I come back to metropolitan France next august !

Something positive is that I was so force to fly with DC3, a plane that was not, at the beginning, looking interesting. And I have to change my mind ! I took a lot of pleasure to fly this good old legend in my Angolan HUB ! Very rough, light, pleasant and landing as a feather !! A very nice experience ! Perhaps one bad side : the DC3 is shaking a lot when facing altitude winds, and is so light that it is ready very quickly to turn 90°, what is not so good for FSP reputation (I was accused, as a pilot, to make acrobaties with my passengers, whereas I was fighting against the wind to reestablish plane base ! :wink: )
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Re: Installation of new planes

Post by edwinb77 »


Maybe your graphic card is somehow overheating while using additional aircrafts, further i have no clue.

love fspassenger although it does have some flaws, but which program doesnt :)
I myself have a lot of problems not blowing tires, although it's good for the rubber industry :)
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Re: Installation of new planes

Post by flightsimer »

edwinb77 wrote:Hi,

Maybe your graphic card is somehow overheating while using additional aircrafts, further i have no clue.

love fspassenger although it does have some flaws, but which program doesnt :)
I myself have a lot of problems not blowing tires, although it's good for the rubber industry :)
no, if the card overheats, it just shuts down the card. so your screen goes black just like its in sleep mode. I know this as fact as my fan on my card doesnt start itself (i think i need a new one, but the card is only months old) so when i play any game i just have to open the case up and shoot some compressed air onto the fan to get it spinning and then it stays on.

the reason i asked about the users is because on my system, if my mom has logged on, when i get onto Aceshigh 2 (online WWI/WWII game) (GREAT GAME BTW, but is $15 a month) it crashes to the blue screen just like yours. So if she has logged on, i just have to restart the computer and then start the game and it wont do it.

also check your direct X verision. AH says that is a common with its game with users getting the blue screen of death because theirs is below verion 9.0.A . Maybe another game installed a lower version that FSX cant handle or maybe its become curropted.
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Re: Installation of new planes

Post by MOW »

Direct x is 9.0.C

At least, I will search for a new direct X version.

the reseller do not answer my question. He has just sent me, for free, the new version of FS REPAINT... At least, a commercial attention. I will install it this week-end and see if I have to hope a little more...
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