Need a repaint?
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:52 am
Need a repaint but don’t have a painter or can’t get anyone to do one for you? Or maybe you have tried but can’t do it. Well let me help you out. For a small price, I will paint you an aircraft. Below you will find prices for repaints and current aircraft that can be repainted. Currently I will only accept freeware aircraft or pay ware aircraft with free paint kits at this time, so that means no default aircraft. Also models must have a paint kit already. I will only be able to do a certain amount of paints at a time so it’s a first come first serve basis. Also I can’t do bare medal as of yet, so paints will have at minimum white (or another color) as a base. Post here your request.
Airbus: (all from
Boeing: (all by unless noted otherwise (all variants available shown)):
737-600- 20mil
737-700/C/ER- 22.5mil
737-800- 25mil
737-900/ER- 27.5mil
747-400/F/ER/ERF/D- 40mil
767-300ER (LEVEL D ONLY AT THIS TIME) - 35mil
777-200/ER/LR- 35mil
777-300/ER- 37.5mil
Soon once the posky model is released, the 767-200/300/400 and all variants will also be available for repaints. I’m not accepting paints now for the current model because it is very outdated and paints won’t be able to be crossed over to the new model.
To order please specify the following info:
*Airline Name: (your actual name on FSA and what you want to appear on the plane)
*Aircraft(s) and variant(s):
*Total cost:
*Brief info on repaint: (give a little info if you can on how the repaint should look like)
*Colors: (list of colors and how they are used)
*Logos: (if you have a logo please link it here or give a description of one if you don’t have one.)
*Fonts: list font for airline name on plane.
*Flag: (yes or no, then tell me the country you’re based in or which the aircraft is registered in)
*Registrations: (give all registrations and label which is which)
*Aircraft names: (if any)
*Anything else: (anything not asked about above…)
*Links: (anything you may have that I can use as a visual aide that wasn’t mentioned above. May include old repaints, etc)
Example for my airline:
*Airline Name: North Eastern Airways –North Eastern Airways
*Aircraft(s) and variant(s): Boeing 737-800, Boeing 737-900ER
*Total cost: 47.5mil
*Brief info on repaint: the paint consists of 2 different blues, silver and white which are in lines with start at the top of the fuselage over the wings and go down and over to the bottom on a curve. Our logo goes on the tail and the WVA logo goes behind the cockpit windows. Also I would like North Eastern above the forward windows and Airways below them sort off centered the top to the left.
*Colors: light baby blue, first stripe and main color on the tail, silver stripe, dark blue stripe, then from dark blue stripe back is all the lighter blue.
*Logos: logo is of a N and an E which are merged together and is grey
*Fonts: North Eastern Airways is Tahoma Small caps and is Bold and Italicized
*Flag: yes, aircraft are based and registered in the United States of America
*Registrations: N1001NE (737-800), N1051NE (737-900ER) both located over the last few windows at the rear.
*Aircraft names: none
*Anything else: nope
*Links: tail logo with the light blue ... thblue.jpg Wva logo ... _2copy.png
Here is what I would show you based on the request

*I strongly suggest you make a basic design concept in paint or some other program if you have a design in mind. It will allow me to see what your thinking a lot easier and will allow me to make your paint a lot quicker. However if you want me to come up with a design for you based on some requirements you might have thats fine. Also if you are going to make a logo make it at least 600x600 pixels so I can resize it without having to fool with it much.
Orders spots available
2. American Airways
3. Superluminal Airways
Airbus: (all from
Boeing: (all by unless noted otherwise (all variants available shown)):
737-600- 20mil
737-700/C/ER- 22.5mil
737-800- 25mil
737-900/ER- 27.5mil
747-400/F/ER/ERF/D- 40mil
767-300ER (LEVEL D ONLY AT THIS TIME) - 35mil
777-200/ER/LR- 35mil
777-300/ER- 37.5mil
Soon once the posky model is released, the 767-200/300/400 and all variants will also be available for repaints. I’m not accepting paints now for the current model because it is very outdated and paints won’t be able to be crossed over to the new model.
To order please specify the following info:
*Airline Name: (your actual name on FSA and what you want to appear on the plane)
*Aircraft(s) and variant(s):
*Total cost:
*Brief info on repaint: (give a little info if you can on how the repaint should look like)
*Colors: (list of colors and how they are used)
*Logos: (if you have a logo please link it here or give a description of one if you don’t have one.)
*Fonts: list font for airline name on plane.
*Flag: (yes or no, then tell me the country you’re based in or which the aircraft is registered in)
*Registrations: (give all registrations and label which is which)
*Aircraft names: (if any)
*Anything else: (anything not asked about above…)
*Links: (anything you may have that I can use as a visual aide that wasn’t mentioned above. May include old repaints, etc)
Example for my airline:
*Airline Name: North Eastern Airways –North Eastern Airways
*Aircraft(s) and variant(s): Boeing 737-800, Boeing 737-900ER
*Total cost: 47.5mil
*Brief info on repaint: the paint consists of 2 different blues, silver and white which are in lines with start at the top of the fuselage over the wings and go down and over to the bottom on a curve. Our logo goes on the tail and the WVA logo goes behind the cockpit windows. Also I would like North Eastern above the forward windows and Airways below them sort off centered the top to the left.
*Colors: light baby blue, first stripe and main color on the tail, silver stripe, dark blue stripe, then from dark blue stripe back is all the lighter blue.
*Logos: logo is of a N and an E which are merged together and is grey
*Fonts: North Eastern Airways is Tahoma Small caps and is Bold and Italicized
*Flag: yes, aircraft are based and registered in the United States of America
*Registrations: N1001NE (737-800), N1051NE (737-900ER) both located over the last few windows at the rear.
*Aircraft names: none
*Anything else: nope
*Links: tail logo with the light blue ... thblue.jpg Wva logo ... _2copy.png
Here is what I would show you based on the request

*I strongly suggest you make a basic design concept in paint or some other program if you have a design in mind. It will allow me to see what your thinking a lot easier and will allow me to make your paint a lot quicker. However if you want me to come up with a design for you based on some requirements you might have thats fine. Also if you are going to make a logo make it at least 600x600 pixels so I can resize it without having to fool with it much.
Orders spots available
2. American Airways
3. Superluminal Airways