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Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:57 am
by shearder
Hi all

Ok last night I made my first flight (i have looked for "ratings" posts but don't really find an answer. I have read the newbie thread and see that "ratings" is not that much of an issue, however, i am who i am so here goes:

I made a perfect flight. I have a panel which controls all lights, engines, gear, and includes all functions of the MCP (AP). So off i go in a AN-148 - which i bought - awaiting delivery of a CJ700. However, I have been flying MSFS since v1 in 1983/84. Yes, sometimes i make stupid mistakes or just fly for fun and don't constantly pay attention. However, I pride myself on being 150% perfect. So, I reached 10000 feet flicked my landing light switch and oops - switch faulty - i got it off but got a 5% penalty!! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG... Ok so on the way down I got to external view (and SHF+Z to watch altitude) and made sure lights were ON. That was fine with a bit of fiddling with the switch - new switch today - then landed, got to below 20kts in required time and landing speed was at 121ft/min. Nice and soft.

The real question is - how do ratings affect the pilot?? If they are not a big deal they must mean something if they are there??? How do i "fix" that 5% lost?? Is it possible to "catch" up??

Thanks in advance from an "older" newbie LOL

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:07 am
by lexarne
I got some advise for you do to with your landing ligts.Once you reach 1000 feet you no longer need the lights so you can turn your landing lights anywhere between 1000ft->and 9900ft just trying to help

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:24 am
by shearder
lexarne wrote:I got some advise for you do to with your landing ligts.Once you reach 1000 feet you no longer need the lights so you can turn your landing lights anywhere between 1000ft->and 9900ft just trying to help
AHHHH!! That is a great help!! I didn't know how the system works with this and seing 10000 all over the place for the landing lights I thought there was a system enforcement that at around 10000 ONLY they had to be turned off. Thanks for that. Obviously when entering the runway they need to go on - is there anything in force that required them to be turned off as soon as one leaves the runway during taxi?

Thanks again lexarne.

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:51 am
by hezza
is there anything in force that required them to be turned off as soon as one leaves the runway during taxi?
No. I recommend you keep them on despite the proper procedure.
If your scenery causes the a/c to hop (as sometimes happens), and the landing lights are off, you will get dinged.

It would be great if this penalty could be disabled during the taxi phases, as getting a lights off penalty there is not only annoying but also plain wrong as they should be off.


Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:00 pm
by shearder
hezza wrote:If your scenery causes the a/c to hop (as sometimes happens), and the landing lights are off, you will get dinged.

It would be great if this penalty could be disabled during the taxi phases, as getting a lights off penalty there is not only annoying but also plain wrong as they should be off.
Thanks a ton for your reply. I, fortunately, don't have any scenery that causes the hop effect. So if i turn them off when leaving the runway OR leave them on - is there any penalty for leaving them on at all or visa versa? Apologies if you already addressed that and i misunderstood.

Thanks again.

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:51 pm
by hezza
is there any penalty for leaving them on at all or visa versa?
Only if you turn them off and the a/c leaves the ground whilst taxiing ;)

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:11 pm
by lexarne
Well i am happy to help anytime... :D

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:17 pm
by shearder
hezza wrote:
is there any penalty for leaving them on at all or visa versa?
Only if you turn them off and the a/c leaves the ground whilst taxiing ;)
AH that is good to know... and makes sense :o

Thanks again :)

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:00 pm
by Quantum

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:13 pm
by CAPFlyer
hezza wrote:No. I recommend you keep them on despite the proper procedure.
If your scenery causes the a/c to hop (as sometimes happens), and the landing lights are off, you will get dinged.
Actually, this isn't accurate. The landing light detection is disabled if you are under 25 knots and under 30 feet AGL (or something close to that, I couldn't find the note from Claudio on the matter off hand). This was done to alleviate the "hopping aircraft" problem from getting you dinged.

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:22 am
by shearder
Thanks a TON Quantum and CAPFlyer! I tried to search for something like this and was give MANY results but nothing that gave me the explicit info. I guess it has been covered 1,023,986 times in the past and do appreciate you taking the time to point me to this info.

Much appreciated.

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:47 am
by hezza
Actually, this isn't accurate. The landing light detection is disabled if you are under 25 knots and under 30 feet AGL (or something close to that, I couldn't find the note from Claudio on the matter off hand). This was done to alleviate the "hopping aircraft" problem from getting you dinged.
News to me, I have received this penalty in the past.
Great if true though, can it be confirmed?


Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:20 am
by lexarne
Well in my expirience of bumpy ttaxiing my plane bounces then the speed rises to like 40 knots or even 60knots and i try to follow proper procedures but that hasnt happend in nearly a year and never on FSA

Re: Ratings - system - effect

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:10 pm
by CAPFlyer
hezza wrote:
Actually, this isn't accurate. The landing light detection is disabled if you are under 25 knots and under 30 feet AGL (or something close to that, I couldn't find the note from Claudio on the matter off hand). This was done to alleviate the "hopping aircraft" problem from getting you dinged.
News to me, I have received this penalty in the past.
Great if true though, can it be confirmed?

As I said, it was changed. :) I don't remember when which is why I said that I couldn't find the note. :)

Have fun and rejoice that we fixed something.... :) :) :) :) :lol: