Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:51 am
Today, AVSIM was destroyed by a hacker. Both of our primary servers were hacked and the partition tables destroyed, and that will be very difficult to overcome. I won’t speculate on who did it, but we will have a forensic done on our disks and scrutinize the logs to validate our suspicions.
I would appreciate if you could post the following as a news item or announcement on your websites or forums. Nels and Francois, I know we have been competitors, but I would very much appreciate you posting this on your web sites, if you could.
Tom Allensworth, CEO and Publisher of AVSIM, today issued the following announcement; “We regret to inform the flight simulation community that on Tuesday, May 12, AVSIM was hacked and effectively destroyed. The method of the hack makes recovery difficult, if not impossible, to recover from. Both servers, that is the library / email and web site / forum servers were attacked. AVSIM is totally offline at this time and we expect to be so for some time to come. We are not able to predict when we will be back online, if we can come back at all. We will post more news as we are able to in the coming days and weeks. END
Best Regards,
Tom Allensworth