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How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:14 pm
by Brian Peace
I can't seem to find out how to do this, in My own VA's forum. even though I am a moderator. Can someone walk me though it? Thanks! :D

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:43 pm
by joefremont
Is there a dropdown in the lower right labeled "Quick-mod tools:"?

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:38 pm
by CAPFlyer
Brian, try now. It appears you weren't listed as a moderator in your forum.

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:03 am
by Brian Peace
still dont get it. I have the "quick-mod" tools. I see delete move parse split everything but "make this a sticky" can you walk me thourgh it? Is it something stupidly easy I am missing? Thanks :D

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:11 pm
by CAPFlyer
It's not in the quick mod tools. You have to click the "Edit" button on the first post and at the bottom there are multiple options, one of which is "Change Topic Type to" with 3 options - Important, Announcement, and Sticky. Pick which one you want it and it'll post.

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:26 am
by Brian Peace
CAPFlyer wrote:It's not in the quick mod tools. You have to click the "Edit" button on the first post and at the bottom there are multiple options, one of which is "Change Topic Type to" with 3 options - Important, Announcement, and Sticky. Pick which one you want it and it'll post.
Ok I have looked EVERYwhere for this. Gone into my post as a non moderator, and clicked edit, gone into the post AS a moderator, and clicked edit. It's just not there... not even when I try to create a NEW post, .....??? The options on the bottom do NOT include this for me. Is it supposed to be in with all those other options with little check boxes??

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:30 am
by Brian Peace
CAPFlyer wrote:It's not in the quick mod tools. You have to click the "Edit" button on the first post and at the bottom there are multiple options, one of which is "Change Topic Type to" with 3 options - Important, Announcement, and Sticky. Pick which one you want it and it'll post.

This is all I see

Disable BBCode
Disable smilies
Do not automatically parse URLs
Attach a signature (signatures can be altered via the UCP)
Notify me when a reply is posted

that's all... no other options.... am I looking in the wrong place still? The only other tab (there's "options") is the "upload attachment" tab.... the only other buttons are "save" "preview" and "submit"

I have worked on and in and AS moderators on a lot of forums... I'm not a dummy here... but I can't find this. something must be in error. Can you guys plz remove Rob F as a mod in the BC North forum as he is no longer a member of BCN ... maybe somehow your forums in the VA section will only allow one moderator to have all the "tools" availiable??

Thanks :)

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:36 am
by flightsimer
ok here is a pic for ya... hope it helps... if you dont have this then something is wrong with ur account

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:25 am
by Brian Peace
Yes that is not there, thanks. I dont feel like such an idiot now, it's just not there (the "post topic as" colmun)... the rest of the options are there, but not that. Any admins able to fix that? :D

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:06 am
by AdmiralRolfe
I have the same problem. Must be something disabled :?

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:08 am
by Brian Peace
Brian Peace wrote: Can you guys plz remove Rob F as a mod in the BC North forum as he is no longer a member of BCN ... maybe somehow your forums in the VA section will only allow one moderator to have all the "tools" availiable??

Thanks :)
any update on this? I've sent a PM to at least a few admins....? can we at least get a guy who is no longer part of the airline off the moderating crew of said airline at least? Maybe it'll clear up why I can't properly mod the BC North forums....thanks in advance gents :)

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:16 pm
by joefremont
Brian, I made some more changes on this, take a look at this again and see if you can do what you need.

Re: How do I make a post a "sticky"??

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:01 pm
by Brian Peace
Whooo hoo!

THANK YOU!!!!! :D :D :D

It works :wink: