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VAFinancials gone payware?!?!?!?!?!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:01 am
by Miikoyan
I just read the Virtual Wideroe website and was confirmed by the VAFinancials website as well..
VAFinancials is gone payware!!

Now my question is this...
1st. Does FlyNET have enough server capacity to allow hundreds more virtual airlines to join?
2nd. Will FlyNET ever turn into a payware software?

Re: VAFinancials gone payware?!?!?!?!?!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:52 pm
by DaKurt
Miikoyan wrote: 1st. Does FlyNET have enough server capacity to allow hundreds more virtual airlines to join?
Yes, our new server should be able to handle a lot of airlines :)
Miikoyan wrote: 2nd. Will FlyNET ever turn into a payware software?
We don't have any plans on becoming payware so far. There is a possibility that we introduce "Free & Premium Memberships" but as I said, there are no concrete thoughts about this. And we surley will not start to charge something as long as we are in beta...
