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Bug in Cheated flights routine?

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:30 pm
by vknierim
Hi everybody,

Recently I made the experience that two nearly identical flights had a huge difference in flight revenue. After checking the flightlogs I found out, that for the first flight no fuel was bought for that flight, and that was the reason for the bigger income.

I did use the 'Compare' method of the client to compute the bought fuel and it always works. So this cannot be the problem.

Then I remembered, that I marked the flight just before the flight for that no fuel was bought as cheated, because FS crashed to Desktop on that flight. That flight was then deleted.

So maybe the problem is that cheated flights get deleted from the database, but the fuel of the aircraft used for that flight is not resetted to the old value?

I hope my description is clear.....



Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:44 pm
by Konny
Well, I think you're right ;-). The fuel isn't reset if a flight gets deleted.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:11 am
by vknierim
Konny wrote:Well, I think you're right ;-). The fuel isn't reset if a flight gets deleted.
Hi Konny,

just thought about it again and think that the problem cannot be solved easily, if the plane is not 'locked' (so it cannot be booked for new flights) until the marked flight gets deleted. What would you do if some other flight is flown with the plane, before the cheated filght gets deleted? The problem is a lot more difficult to solve then....

