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Concerning the google ads...
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:43 am
by Miikoyan
About the google ads...does it have to fall through in order to be paid? What I mean is that does the intended website have to be shown in order for you guys to be paid? I just clicked ten times in rapid succession...and I don't know if that works or not.
I know its unethical..but it's my right you know.
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:46 am
by Myrm
I wish they weren't there. I think it spoils the look of the site
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:43 pm
by CAPFlyer
You want to pay the hosting costs then Myrm?
If the Google ads are the same as they've been, it's per hit (i.e. if you click one of the links it'll pay the hosting site for the hit).
One thing to remember with Google Ads is that it will only produce aviation-related and Flight Sim-related ads, so at least what we see won't bee totally off-the-wall stuff like with some others.
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:50 pm
by Myrm
CAPFlyer wrote:You want to pay the hosting costs then Myrm?
I can't as I am not a Moderator with that authorisation. I currently pay for a forum of which I am deputy admin which uses Google ads (I think it costs $7 per 50,000 hits), which, if paid, removes the ads; so I guess the FlyNET one works in the same way?
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:12 pm
by CAPFlyer
You've got it backwards.
The Google Ads pay Konny and DaKurt to support the hosting of this forum and this network on the servers we use. I don't know (or care) how much it costs to advertise. Those advertisements help keep this network on good servers because it helps Konny and DaKurt put less money out of their pocket and allows us to not have to help them support it via membership fees. It also means that donations go towards other things like expansion and purchasing scripting and software for the server to make FlyNET better.
My point was that if you so dislike the ads, then step up and make a donation to Konny and DaKurt to cover the cost of the servers. It really grates me the wrong way for people to complain about things like ads because they "are annoying", "look bad", or whatever. Those ads help offset the cost of providing this network to you for FREE. In other words - get over it and be thankful that they're providing this to you for free and not demanding membership fees or "mandatory" donations.
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:53 pm
by Miikoyan
Good hosting costs around 300-500 dollars a year now...
and Google pays around 5-10 cents per hit..
so if I do the math correctly, then I have to hit around 2 000 to 3 333.33333 a year...
Let's support them guys!!!
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:41 am
by Myrm
CAPFlyer wrote:... In other words - get over it and be thankful that they're providing this to you for free and not demanding membership fees or "mandatory" donations.
CAPFlyer, there is no need for you to be so hostile; I was simply stating that I didn't like seeing the adverts, I wasn't saying anything against the Client, Konny or anybody else. I am sorry for having my own opinion.
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:07 pm
by DaKurt
hi all,
first of all, we know that you do NOT add ads to your homepage to make it more beautiful
. That's why we decided to put them on the login page, which you might only see 2 or 3 times a day and not on the main site or into the crew center ... those ads help us paying our server.
Thanks for your understanding and support
P.S.: clicking on the same ad often in only a short period by 1 person seems to be only count as 1 click by google ... so it's better not to do so.
Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:28 pm
by Miikoyan
what? Oh......hundred clicks wasted.