Ah yes, well let me begin to explain some of these.
I've crossed the International date line, and this causes some problems with FLynet, which, as far as I know, reads only the time! This means that while I may have been airborn for a lot of hours, the client reads it as very short. Both Big Q and myself have noticed this. Also, time zones and compression cause interesting things to happen on my PC, as I have flights sim read the time from my PC. I'm trying to figure a workaround, but its not easy.
Now, fuel burn: I flew everyone of those flights, some in real time, and the client crashed on me. I did not like losing all this valuable time and profit, (12 hours only to not have the client record my landing= grrr!) So I flew them again, and to prevent a client crash, moved the aircraft. You will notice throughout numerous posts that i've been trying to figure out whats wrong with my PC that gives me these problems.
Now, as to your statement that this concerns most of my flights:
I have, at last count 234.5 Hours recorded by the Client. So obviously ive been in the air for 234.5 hours, Minimum. At an average speed of 450knots, thats: 105525nm flown. (Of course, i have hours on slower aircraft, and hours on faster aircraft, but mostly, my time and distance makes a fair deal of sense) As I said, I flew all of my flights once, and if it crashed, I flew them again and moved the aircraft. So I should have closer to 290 hours. (And less money, probably 2000 million less)
Look at my recent flights, you've pointed out specifics (and I've explained them), but in the broader view, you'll see that my flights are done legally. I've looked at other airlines too, and I've noticed that people who have unlimited fuel turned on in their FS only putting 1000lbs into a plane for a 5000nm gap. People will abuse the system, and if you read about the anti cheat system, Konny is developing a way to make sure that it can not be done.
So to sum up: Yes, you are correct that some of my Pireps are out of whack. Two Reasons: Long Haul Date changes, and Client Crashes. I have flown every one of my flights listed.
My recent Flight Log
CYYC CYEG Jan 25, 07:01 160 133nm Justin Martin 6.552.000v$
CYVR CYYC Jan 25, 04:48 160 371nm Justin Martin 12.013.000v$
CYYC CYVR Jan 24, 22:54 160 371nm Justin Martin 7.174.000v$
CYEG CYYC Jan 24, 21:13 160 133nm Justin Martin 9.936.000v$
CYYC CYEG Jan 24, 15:44 160 133nm Justin Martin 7.722.000v$
CYEG CYYC Jan 24, 06:34 160 133nm Justin Martin 9.936.000v$
CYYC CYEG Jan 23, 22:50 160 133nm Justin Martin 2.885.000v$
PHNL CYYC Jan 23, 19:36 269 2718nm Justin Martin 26.594.000v$
CYYC PHNL Jan 22, 23:24 269 2718nm Justin Martin 50.163.000v$ <--No Client Crash (Yay! This is what I want my long hauls to be like!)
CYVR CYYJ Jan 22, 16:10 50 34nm Justin Martin 2.520.000v$
CYYJ CYVR Jan 22, 03:51 50 34nm Justin Martin 2.520.000v$
CYVR CYYJ Jan 22, 01:34 50 34nm Justin Martin 2.520.000v$
VHHH CYYC Jan 21, 23:17 370 5733nm Justin Martin 197.103.000v$ <---Client Crashed
CYYC VHHH Jan 21, 19:27 370 5733nm Justin Martin 173.432.000v$ <-Client Crashed
CYYJ CYVR Jan 21, 19:01 50 34nm Justin Martin 2.520.000v$ <Had leftover fuel from previous flight
CYVR CYYJ Jan 21, 17:16 50 34nm Justin Martin 2.520.000v$ <Had leftover fuel from previous flight
CYYJ CYVR Jan 20, 19:31 50 34nm Justin Martin 865.000v$ <--Filled FOkker 50 with Extra Fuel
EGLL CYYC Jan 20, 17:33 255 3792nm Justin Martin 99.542.000v$ <--Client Crashed
CYYC EGLL Jan 20, 15:40 260 3792nm Justin Martin 67.939.000v$ <--Client Crashed
CYVR CYYJ Jan 20, 15:15 50 34nm Justin Martin 2.520.000v$ <Had leftover fuel from previous flight
CYYJ CYVR Jan 20, 05:42 50 34nm Justin Martin 2.520.000v$ <Had leftover fuel from previous flight
CYVR CYYJ Jan 20, 04:42 50 34nm Justin Martin 2.520.000v$ <Had leftover fuel from previous flight
CYYJ CYVR Jan 20, 04:05 50 34nm Justin Martin 999.000v$ <--Filled FOkker 50 with Extra Fuel
EGLL CYOW Jan 19, 21:09 269 2890nm Justin Martin 76.262.000v$ <--Client Crashed
CYOW EGLL Jan 19, 06:08 269 2890nm Justin Martin 76.262.000v$ <--Client Crashed
MMUN CYOW Jan 18, 19:17 240 1561nm Justin Martin 41.040.000v$ <--Client Crashed
CYOW MMUN Jan 17, 21:30 240 1561nm Justin Martin 24.040.000v$ <--Client Crashed
EGLL CYOW Jan 16, 20:47 269 2890nm Justin Martin 75.487.000v$ <--Client Crashed
CYOW EGLL Jan 16, 05:22 269 2890nm Justin Martin 52.101.000v$
CYYC CYOW Jan 15, 17:53 240 1556nm Justin Martin 24.332.000v$
CYYZ CYYC Jan 15, 02:53 240 1454nm Justin Martin 30.739.000v$
CYYC CYYZ Jan 14, 16:31 240 1454nm Justin Martin 20.565.000v$
RKSI CYYC Jan 08, 21:27 370 4618nm Justin Martin 115.114.000v$ <---Client Crashed
CYYC RKSI Jan 06, 22:53 370 4618nm Justin Martin 0v$ <--Konny Moved my plane for me, because my CLient Crashed, Notice the 0 Profit.
CYOW CYYC Jan 05, 23:57 240 1556nm Justin Martin 9.218.000v$
EGLL CYOW Jan 05, 17:49 269 2890nm Justin Martin 34.506.000v$
CYOW EGLL Jan 05, 05:56 261 2890nm Justin Martin 37.725.000v$
KIAH CYYC Jan 04, 20:49 240 1521nm Justin Martin 28.879.000v$
CYYC KIAH Jan 04, 06:47 240 1521nm Justin Martin 17.235.000v$
CYYZ CYYC Jan 04, 01:51 240 1454nm Justin Martin 24.717.000v$
CYYC CYYZ Jan 03, 22:33 237 1454nm Justin Martin 10.611.000v$
EHAM CYYC Jan 03, 06:58 223 3875nm Justin Martin 90.516.000v$
CYYC EHAM Jan 03, 05:03 197 3875nm Justin Martin 77.731.000v$
EGLL CYYC Jan 03, 02:58 269 4263nm Justin Martin 98.218.000v$ <--Client Crashed
CYOW EGLL Jan 02, 22:08 269 3010nm Justin Martin 52.083.000v$
CYYC CYOW Jan 02, 04:18 240 1569nm Justin Martin 30.161.000v$
CYOW CYYC Jan 02, 00:37 240 1569nm Justin Martin 14.055.000v$
EGLL CYOW Jan 01, 20:23 269 3010nm Justin Martin 48.334.000v$
I could continue, but you see the pattern here right? Notice all those Domestic Hops? No problems really on those. So yes, I do take offense to you saying its most of my flights. But, looking at my track record, I'd say I'm on the straight and narrow, Calgary to Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver. Vancouver to Victoria. And I've flown every flight. If I had no crashes of the CLient, I'd have 200 million less, and 100 Hours more.
Now, take a look at these:
http://flynet.en-studios.de/index.php?l ... =db&id=889
Fuel in was the Block Fuel, meaning this was a Gimli GLider.
http://flynet.en-studios.de/index.php?l ... =db&id=851
Notice the 14000 Block Fuel, again, Gimli Glider.
I don't like skipping time by moving the aircraft, and I know my fuel burn isn't realistic when I do, but again, with the time I put in to these flights (3 hours most of the time, 6 hours sometimes), to not have the client record my touchdown, its a bit frustrating. Konny is looking at an offline client, where you can upload your flights at a later time, and I wholeheartedly support this, as I believe it will fix the problem. I also Beta tested the anti cheat, because I want it in the Client, currently it doesnt work because great circle routes confuse it.
So to everyone: I apologize for those International Hops with unrealistic stuff, i literally have a Checklist on my kneepad, full of things to try to keep the client from crashing. I restart my computer before any flight, I use the windows key, never ALT-TAB to go see the client. I wait until the client is not transmitting (i can tell with zonealarm) before i maximize it from my toolbar. I don't go into time compression more than once, and never on a descent (as it seems to muck it up). And I need to check the client evry 500nm of flight. It's very touchy, but doing that I get no crashes (yay!) on about 50% of my flights over 2.5 hours long. See my CYYC to PHNL, thats without the client crashing. Again, Apologies all around.
There's also another exploit I discovered when I thumped a Boeing down at about 300 ft/min, if the plane bounces, FLYNet uses the last touchdown data, thus, my 300 was changed to 49 ft/min.