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Cant get take off clearance

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:33 pm
by Lobo
This has happened quite a few times to me.
Usually I wait a while and the problem goes away.

After going through all the ground control requests prior to take off and being ready to take off the last thing I need to do is contact the tower for clearance.
After I contact the tower a selection for “Request take off” is not there.
I close out the game and an error box pops up saying:

Lost connection to FS!
Flight was set back to "booked"-state

I am guessing this a FlyNet problem.
I am on a cable connection and I can still connect to and move through all the FlyNet pages on the web.


Added note.
This has been going on for 5 hours.
STILL cant get take off clearance.
If it doesnt clear I will be charged with a cancelled flight and that is not right

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:13 pm
by vaccaro
I think your problem isn't related to Flynet client but some misconfigured AFCAD.
MSFS ATC relies on AFCAD file. If you are not close enough to holding point (according to MSFS ATC) the req for t/o won't appear.
Have you tried lining up on rwy and see if that option appear?

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:42 pm
by Lobo
Found out what the problem was.

I started this flight on active runway and that was NOT the runway the tower assigned me to. DOH....
I taxied over to the correct runway and received clearance.

Teach me to try a short-cut

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:32 pm
by SnakeBite
Not all Airports has the same thing.. Some airports give you a clearance even if you're not on the same runway, and others dont care..

KLAX wont make a clearance if you're not on the assigned runway. But better to taxi to the assigned runway.. 8)