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RFP unflyable with 8b
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:56 pm
by ALT2024
Sorry fellas, RFP won't fly with the new client.
'Compare' mode seemed to work OK until mid-way through descent. Then all the fuel vanished from inboard main tanks. I'd checked and the fuel was balanced before, in tank to engine config. Shortly after that all four engines failed and wouldn't relight despite several attempts. Having flown all the way from OEJN I stalled and crashed somewhere near TNT.
Much as I appreciate the hours and hard graft you're putting in, my last few days' flights have all ended messily
, so I'm hanging up the FlyNET wings for the time being. Hope to be back sometime soon, when things get back to normal.
Cheers for now
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 9:20 am
by ALT2024
Ahem. Hrrumph.
I was a bit hasty last night I think, and rather than throw the baby out with the bathwater I'm going to give it another go, and follow Tomb's advice not to touch the reserve tanks (force of habit: I drained them into the mains during descent, and that must be what precipitated the fuel starvation problem that happened immediately after).
So I'm going to give it another go. Thanks for tolerating my splenetic ranting.
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:59 am
by CAPFlyer
Yes, there is an issue with draining the reserves into the #1 and #4 mains. The issue (as far as I, a non-programmer can tell) is that there is a conflict with FSUIPC when you open the reserve tank valves. The issue is that when you throw those it causes something in FlyNET to trigger a second event in FSUIPC that causes the tanks to drain out. My guess is this has something to do with whatever event is being used to trigger the fuel transfer "looks" to FlyNET like the event trigger for an engine failure (which FlyNET does by emptying the fuel tank that feeds the affected engine(s) that have been failed). Now, here's the thing - I've had a chat with some other programmers and one should be able to trigger an engine fire or engine shutdown via FSUIPC by calling for the FS Engine Fire or Engine Failure events, but when FlyNET was originally programmed, I don't believe anyone had discovered how to do that yet. I have not gotten a response on the exact coding that needs to occur, but when I do, I plan on forwarding it to Konrad and Claudio.
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:58 pm
by Quantum
Hi Chris,
I'm not so sure what you say re the fuel draining being used to simulate an engine failure by the Client. If that was the case you would be able to crossfeed and restart the offending enine but it is not possible. I had a conversation with Konny about this some time back and he said that draining fuel was not how he triggered an engine failure and NO you would definately not be able to restart an engine once failed as he used something else to trigger the failure
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 8:00 pm
by ALT2024
Well I tried again. This time all four engines died during initial climb at about 900'. Fuel panel was correct for climb, all pumps on, reserve valves closed of course. Just before the crash in which we all perished, I noticed that the reserve tanks were empty even though the valves were still closed, and they had been showing full before take-off.
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:28 pm
by ALT2024
Sorry fellas, that really has to be it, until we have a client as stable as 3b was with RFP. I have lost count of how many times over the last week I've tried the same flight. Just wasted another couple of hours. During the cruise, fuel vanished from the inboard mains and the aircraft crashed. Everything was properly configured and I did not touch the reserve valves. I was using compare mode on the client. Again, I appreciate all you're doing, but it simply isn't working at the moment.