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Pax loads

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:32 am
by IslandBum
Just a thought

I have a pilot who has a 100% rep flying a route that is NOT covered by anyother carrier - and the previous flight he had 51 passengers (HS748) on this flight he had 21 passengers ....anyone want to hazard a guess why? And NO its not because of th ecompany rep - we are presently at 105 and filling the aircraft on other legs


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:37 am
by Rainbowdancer
hi IslandBum

please don't beam me up, but is it a fact of balancing max takeoff-weight between the amount of fuel, cargo AND passengers? This could bring up the idea of a client, that is more individually steerable. Like in FS9 there it is obvious of what kind of amount you're carring.

Well I see that my response makes no solution of quality. If so, I would like to invite you in my next flight with all the favor you can guess.

btw you're living near long-legged women, why would you fly away?????

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:15 am
by IslandBum
Thanks Bernd

Your answer is very valid - however - VHA has a planning department that plans fuel loads on flights for exactly that reason - and the 748 is very forgiving in that area - (which is why we use it and the 780 so much , we have 14 748s on strength now flying in the pacific,alaska and the caribbean) - BTW Im married to a long legged woman from Pukulani
which is why VHAs company HQ is at PHOG (Kahalui Maui) and why the first aircraft owned by the company (N113VH a HS748 btw is named Stacy Dinay :wink: ) If you ever get tired of flying modern iron for LHVA we're always looking for drivers
:lol: 8)



Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:37 pm
by CAPFlyer
Weight has nothing to do with it. The Client doesn't reduce pax load for aircraft weight. Right now it doesn't calculate what the MZFW or fuel requirement is so it won't limit the amount of revenue you receive or passengers and cargo you fly as long as the total is under the MTOW for the aircraft.

With the 748, you can carry a full load of pax with quite a bit of cargo and be under MTOW, so the reduction in passengers is for some other reason that only Konny can verify.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:45 pm
by IslandBum
Thats what I figured Chris

I was being facetious as usual about MZFW - just strange that it would spit that out - even Im getting 88/89 on the 1-11
and I probably have the worst rep in VHA :oops: :lol:


Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:23 pm
by Jon.M
It was me that had the low passenger numbers and wanted to know why.

I've got it figured out. It was just that the ticket price we charged of $95 on that route was well above the Standard Fare of $74.

I assume the standard fare is calculated by FlyNET.


Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:36 pm
by CAPFlyer
That is correct. FlyNET sets a standard ticket price based on distance (there may be other factors, but that is the primary one). If you go over it you will loose load factors. If you go under it, you'll gain passengers but potentially loose money on the route.