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Incorrect destination... I think not!

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 12:26 am
by Alky
I landed at KBHM according to FSNav and FS9, however the FlyNet database says I didn't land at the correct destination (KTAE) and took me for 46.5 million (12.21.2006 - 00:07 Flight revenue -46.450.000v$)
Excuse me, but there is no KTAE in FS9 and the KTAE in FlyNet's data base doesn't even have complete informartion....

Name: Birmingham
IATA Code: N/A
City: Birmingham
Country: United States
Latitude: 33°33'0" N
Longitude: 86°46'0" W
Altitude: 0 ft
Runway lengths: ft
Fuel Price: 1.4 v$ per liter

Now my 747 is stuck at an airport I can't access in FS9!!
Someone please move it to KBHM and turn the 46.5 million into a positive amount in my bank account. It probably would have been more had the flight ended up where it was supposed to be.

Name: Birmingham Intl
City: Birmingham
Country: United States
Latitude: 33°33'46" N
Longitude: 86°45'12" W
Altitude: 644 ft
Runway lengths: 10000 + 7100 ft
Fuel Price: 1.07 v$ per liter

Thank you!


Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:45 am
by CAPFlyer
All you can do is e-mail Konny ( and let him know.

I will delete KTAE though. It's the weather station for Birmingham. Thanks for discovering that one.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:38 am
by Quantum
You will find the correct/quickest way to rectify an error caused by inaccuracies of the database etc here :-

It is still good to report the problem here as you have done, in order that the database admins can rectify database issues which capflyer has done already.



Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:00 pm
by Alky
Quantum wrote:
It is still good to report the problem here as you have done, in order that the database admins can rectify database issues which capflyer has done already.


With Capflyer removing KTAE, I thought at least my 747 would move out of there but the "fleet" info still shows it as being there and I can't access it :cry:

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:18 am
by Drako
Just a thought but if CAPflyer reinstates that Airport and you created a Afcad for its location would that not help to move the plane then CAPflyer could delete it again?

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:19 am
by Drako
should add that creating a AFCAD should fool the client so you can move the plane

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:52 am
by Alky
Aside from modifying runways and creating parking, I don't know much about afcad :(
I thank you for your help, I believe it probably would free up my plane. Would probably be easier to just go into the database and move it though :)