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"aircraft not at departure airport" message

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:47 am
by flugkapitan

I am using the latet client, v06.3b. I fly for Venture Hawaii. I have booked Flight VHA1300 PAJN - PAYA. The aircraft (an Andover) is sitting on Rwy26, ready to go. When I load the client and click on fly booked flight, I am getting the message in the subject line of this post.

Sooo....what's going on here? Please if possible, un-book my flight. Due to all this messing around I won't have time to complete it before the 24hr window runs out.

KJMS (or thereabouts)

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:08 am
by DanKH
You are of cause absolutely sure you are at the right airport?

I'm asking because I've heart of others who had the same message, and after some small checking it appeared that they actually were at the worng airport (likewise landed at the wrong airport....

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:27 am
by flugkapitan
Hi Dan,

Thank you for the reply. No, I am absolutely certain I am/was at the right airport. The aircraft was placed on Rwy26 at PAJN.

KJMS (or thereabouts)

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:13 am
by cmdrnmartin
Don't start on the runway.

Sometimes FLYnet can misinterpret weather stations etc as the airport. KIAH is notorious for this, I do not now for the one you are at, but it sounds suspiciously like the issue. Try starting at the gate of the airport, and see if the message still appears. (By gate i mean apron)

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:59 am
by flugkapitan

Thanks for the reply. "Don't start on the runway"? Why not? I've done it on all my flights to this point without a problem.

However, I will give it a go from a gate in the future. But, once again, I'm requesting that my flight be canceled, since, through no fault of my own, I won't be able to complete the flight within the time period allotted.

KJMS (or thereabouts)