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Big problem with private flight

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:51 pm
by MVS0204
I have tried to fly a private aircraft but I have had a typical message like "FlyNet has done an invalid..." and it shot down before I complete the flight.

Now, I cannot fly this flight neither book a VA flight. There is no option for cancelling this flight and I am not able to fly. :cry:

Actually, when I open the FlyNet client, it shows ASCII characters as ÍÍÍÍ (I have re-installed but it doesn't work) on time fields.

My company: MVSva
My number id: MVS102


Re: Big problem with private flight

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:17 am
by MVS0204
OK, my problem was solved by booking expiration (From: Automatic Message Service Date: 11.21.2006 - 00:01 Your booking has expired. You were charged 0v$)

Is this the only solution for this bug? (Waiting without flying during a entire day?)


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:03 pm
by Konny
Does it only show ASCII-characters when you fly a private flight or also when you're doing a flight for your airline ?

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:49 am
by MVS0204
Konny wrote:Does it only show ASCII-characters when you fly a private flight or also when you're doing a flight for your airline ?
As I said, problem was solved by "booked flight expiration".

While problem was present, I wasn't be able to book a VA flight neither to fly the private booked: when I tried to fly it, those ASCII-characters apeared on FlyNet client: in both cases, private or VA flight. I will try to fly again tomorrow -> affirm, all problems solved.

I hope this info is useful for debugging.
