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Post by Frunt »

How does the "client" know which plane I have at a departure airport? what does it look for, .cfg title or what?

I'm asking, because I bought a C130, done all the usual, including flight plan, but the client doesn't seem to recognise the C130, flights for my other planes at the same departure airport all appear ok, but no flights for the Herc appear

I've got 3 different C130's (different authors) on my sim, but none of them work, or are recognised

I'm assuming this is an aircraft identity problem, then again, maybe i'm completely wrong, just the only thing I can think of




Post by Frunt »

Maybe this is the answer, the C130 Rating type has name has been changed from L100 to L382
So its impossible to get a rating for an L100 Herc, which is what I just bought

So the type rating, has been changed, but the plane is still listed as an L100

If this is the reason I can't fly the Herc, could someone in "admin" change the name of the plane to "L382"



Edit, I've just found a type rating for the L100, so the confusion is now sorted, now got two type ratings for the Herc!

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Post by CAPFlyer »

There is a L100 type (C-130A/B) and a L382 (C-130E/H) type of aircraft. Make sure you have the right type rating for the aircraft you own.
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Post by joefremont »

Actually Chris they are the same airplane. Its simply a difference between what Lockheed marketing called it and whats on the FAA type certificate. All civilian herks are called called L100's just as all military versions are called C130's. The type certificates for the the C130A lists it as the L182 and the type certificate for the C130B lists it as the L282, but none of that really matters.

What does matter for us is that we have two essentially identical aircraft types, that is out of production and lists for 35,800,000v$ and another that is IN production and lists for 5,000,000v$. Clearly they should be combined into a single type, weather it should be listed as in production is debatable. Right now Lockheed has moved on to the C130J which has a type certificate as a L382J and would be marketed as the L-100J but right now Lockheed is not selling them to civilian customers, however former military C130E's are being surplussed from time to time and this could be considered a source of new airframes for the civilian market.
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Post by CAPFlyer »

Joe, the FAA Type certificate is the OFFICIAL document of the model type. If it says L382, then the airplane is the L382. The L100 is the marketing jargon, not L382. The ICAO for all C130/L100 aircraft is C130 (per the FAA & ICAO) no matter what model.

I don't know why there are two entries, but I will delete the second one because the only one that should exist is the L382 Hercules that is not being built for civilian customers (thus not in production).