I've got a feeling there 'could' be a bug in the failure reporting. I've recently brought to the top, a request I made in August* that we have a failure report on the 'Flight Report' in order to confirm a FlyNET induced failure. We've recently had engine failures with no impact on VA rep and no failures where there HAS been an impact on VA rep. Yesterday we had an unknown/unreported failure which knocked the rep. The rep was building back up after this at 119 with an expected 120 after pilot CBF136 completed his flight. He has reported NO failures, either flaps, landing gear or engines but the rep reduced to 115 after he landed. We need to sort something out regarding this.
Failures error ?
Moderator: FSAirlines Staff
Failures error ?
CEO - Classic British Flight Services
Classic aircraft on Classic routes
Classic aircraft on Classic routes