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Something is wrong again...

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:11 am
by Ionathan
Today I checked my fleet as this appears in FlyNet against my records. I found that the following aircrafts have been vanished from my fleet:

SX-ATW Boeing 747-400
SX-ATX Boeing 747-400
SX-AUC Boeing 747-400
SX-ARD Airbus A330-300

Any ideas (a) on what is wrong and (b) on what can be done to bring back the vanished aircrafts?

In addition, VH-AVB type E145 has mysteriously "joined" my fleet.

Re: Something is wrong again...

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:51 pm
by BigQ
Ionathan wrote:
In addition, VH-AVB type E145 has mysteriously "joined" my fleet.

Whoa, my plane! :o

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:52 pm
by cmdrnmartin
If anyone's seen my fleet of C-130s give me a ring please... ;)

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:03 pm
by BigQ
Upon further investigation, I am missing VH-AUB from my Perth fleet and ZK-CHU from my Auckland fleet. Everything else is where it should be...

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:09 pm
by Ionathan
Ah, all this random ownsership of aircrafts reminds me of a communistic society. It seems that FlyNET have gone far beyond a competitional market of airlines. ;)

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:23 pm
by Ionathan
What the...!!!

This becomes a real problem. Another A333 (SX-AGV) is gone from my fleet today. I found it in the open market as well as A333 (SX-ARD). I have never sold them of course.

P.S. ...and I found one more E145 (VH-AVA) in my fleet which was not present yesterday...

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:50 pm
by FsNovice
not to scare monger or anything... but could this be a legacy of the hacker perhaps?. i dont know, just one line of enquiry maybe?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:53 pm
by Ionathan
I didn't want to be the bringer of bad predictions but it sounds more than sure to my ears.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:05 pm
by FsNovice
is there possibly a log of all server operations, then we maybe able to track if it is the hacker or not. Konny, the web server provider should be able to give you this for free(i would hope so!!!!)

just my two cents

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:25 pm
by Ionathan
I've noticed something else. In my Finances I see two "Leased Aircraft" income transactions. Someone would say that the missing aircrafts are leased but if this is the case, (a) why I cannot see them in the Leased Aircrafts list, (b) why SX-AQV and SX-ARD ended up in the Trader's Market and (c) if the two A333 are somehow ended at the Trader'a Market and the two "Leasing" transacation are related to the two B744 which however they do not appear as leased, where is the third B744?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:50 pm
by pahisjon2
Well, considering the short time interval between the previous attack and the current situation, it certainly rings a bell to my ears as well...
Don't know whether the database server can reveal all the necessary info; I would like however to point that, the database operations of a certain flight(e.g. the PIREP), can be seen as plain text at the .out file. I was wondering whether there is a way to ensure that somebody cannot tamper the SQL Queries and send it (through the "Upload PIREP" functionality maybe?)

I hate to believe that this might be the case but, if such a possibility exists, I believe that there are one or two things that could be implemented:
a) Encrypt the PIREP. Even without a combination of a Public/Private key , it should be rather difficult to decipher (Unless of course one goes with a runtime debugger/dissasembler to flynet.exe, but this needs a lot of determination :D )
b) Add a Hash Number, either on line level, or at a file level. An implementation of the algorithm to the PIREP receiving side, should regenerate the Hash Number, compare it to the one sent with the file and reject if different. Plenty of implementations exist and are rather easy to follow (Heck, even I had implemented a Hash Number in a project of my job once!)

I would like to stress out that I AM ACCUSING NOBODY._
All of us I believe, are practising our hobby, eg to fly and to run a company (even a virtual one).
It is just that, given that FlyNET has been attaced once, it should be wise to try to make it safer and avoid the dissapointment (and the bad temper) of the members.
And as for Konny and the team... Well, what can I say that has never been said before :D

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:36 am
by cmdrnmartin
Yep, it looks like were losing planes again...

Im missing three B738s many C-130s, etc. I would suggest to all airlines to make a fleet list and keep it somewhere safe.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:24 pm
by Konny
Hm, I tried to give you all the missing aircrafts back, but I couldn't find all of them.

This is indeed a very strange issue. Could be someone who found a security leak again or maybe a bug in one of my scripts, who knows.
To everyone who has some knowledge in this matter, feel free to hack the website ( you should create additional accounts so that you don't destroy some of the existing airlines ) and tell me where the leaks are. I'll try to find something myself but four ( or more ) eyes are better than two ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:23 pm
by Ionathan
Ok Konny, thanks for your help.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:38 pm
by Charles Dehavilland
This morning i opened my airline and found that one of my partnerships had been removed. in the message was typed automatic response that the partner had terminated the link. Since then i have contacted the partner and he assures me that the link was not terminated by him. so i now being to feel that someone or something is again playing silly buggers with the programs in flynet.
i have now regained the partner link and hopefully i might be left alone by who ever is moving equipment and the likes around.
