I got a message from the client saying I need to post a file here because the Internet connection went down after I landed... Is this the right way to do it?
UPDATE FlyNET_Logs Set Status='2' WHERE ID='6200';
UPDATE FlyNET_Routes SET State='0' WHERE ID='7001';
UPDATE FlyNET_Aircrafts SET Status='0' WHERE ID='1187';
UPDATE FlyNET_Pilots SET Location='EGHH' WHERE ID='446';
UPDATE FlyNET_Aircrafts SET Location='EGHH' WHERE ID='1187';
UPDATE FlyNET_Aircrafts SET Fuel='0' WHERE ID='1187';
UPDATE FlyNET_Pilots SET Budget='18192' WHERE ID='446';
UPDATE FlyNET_VirtualAirlines SET Budget='-2147153649' WHERE ID='368';
DELETE FROM FlyNET_Accounts_VA WHERE VA_ID='368' AND Value='182100' AND Reason='Flight revenue' AND TS='1155558381';
INSERT INTO FlyNET_Accounts_VA (VA_ID, Value, Reason, TS) VALUES ('368', '182100', 'Flight revenue', '1155558381');
UPDATE FlyNET_VirtualAirlines SET Reputation='120.00' WHERE ID='368';
UPDATE FlyNET_Aircrafts SET Value='99706', StateEng1='99.707001', StateEng2='99.707001', StateEng3='0.000000', StateEng4='0.000000', StateGear='99.707001', StateHull='99.707001' WHERE ID='1187';
DELETE FROM FlyNET_Reports WHERE TS='1155558381' AND Pilot_ID='446';
INSERT INTO FlyNET_Reports (AC_Type, AC_ID, PIC, PID, VA, Dep, Pln_Arr, Arr, Deptime, Arrtime, TS, Rating, Ratingreasons, Distance, PAX, Ticket, Crew, Salary, Fuelprice, Fuel_Bought, Fuel_Used, Profit, Pilot_ID, VA_ID, Number, FlightState, Version, Simrate, Hours, Multiplier, Bonus, Cargo, Cargo_kg, FlightType) VALUES ('DOVE','1187','Dominic Mahon','CBF128','Classic British Flight ServiceEGKK','EGKK','EGHH','EGHH','1659','1725','1155558381','100','','66','11','65','55','67','1.59','50','50','607','446','368','CBF5556','On Block','v0.5.8b','1','0.433333','300', '112', '0', '0', '0');
If this is the wrong thing to do please let me know. Thanks.
Dom Mahon
Classic British Flight Services
Lost FS Connection - here's the flight log
Moderator: FSAirlines Staff
good enough, but next time, just send it by e-mail to info@flynet.en-studios.de with the log.out file.