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MAJOR PROBLEM - After reporting error :(

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:29 am
by tall_guy_pete
KJFK KJFK Jul 08, 02:21 404 3182nm Peter Slater -32.605.200v$

This should not be here in our profile!

I reported my errors and this is appearing in our profile; why?

I got errors to report my 473 files after trying twice when taking this flight (return back to EBBR) of which I completed yesterday on time and without any problems after reinstalling the client. But now i get 80% rating for a flight where i had communication errors with the server???


Can someone please sort this out, it seems unfair that with errors in comunication with the server , when there ws nothing wrong with my connection that this has been recorded? :( :x

I have reinstalled the client and everything seems fine now (i use the non anti cheat)

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:42 am
by tall_guy_pete
Found myself redoing the flight again ... back from JKJFK even though I had already done it at 100% rating :x

This sucks does this! Meah ... when I restarted it .. i had to the cargo flight. No passengers? wt?

Messed up totally. I never lost connection, i got the errors after taking off and into my climb .. forgot to mention that in the above posts 8)