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[MSFS2020] Weight correspondence problem 747-8i

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:53 pm
by Blairwitch
Hello Captains,

I would like to create a post about a Boeing 747-8i correspondence problem between Fs Airlines, SimBrief and Flight Simulator 2020 for which I did not find an answer in the existing topics on the forum.

I've been trying to figure out a boeing 747-8 stats difference issue from msfs2020 for a few days.

I will try to be as clear as possible...

First observation - Maximum weight
FS Airlines: 987,000 Lbs
Flight Simulator: 975,000 lbs

Second Observation - Generic Cargo in selected package/briefing document
For some reason that I don't understand, it seems that when planning a flight in fsairlines, it adds generic cargo. In my case 39,324 Lbs while I do not select any package. At first I thought it was baggage but in the briefing document it is two different values, Baggage Vs Cargo. I therefore excluded this explanation especially since the values do not correspond in any way.
Fsairline select packages:
Fsairlines briefing document:

Re: [MSFS2020] Weight correspondence problem 747-8i

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:55 pm
by Blairwitch
Third observation - Fsairlines client
When I launch the flight in flight simulator and I find myself on the runway ready to take off, the FSA client tells me that I exceed the maximum authorized mass, except i think that I have correctly filled the weight and fuel in the plane. I understand that there is already a basic difference in the maximum authorized weight of the plane between fsairline (987000 Lbs) and flight Simulator (975000 Lbs) but this difference is positive on the side of fsairline and only 12000 Lbs. But the Fsairline client gives me an excess of 34000 Lbs which does not correspond to this difference.
Flight Simulator configuration B747-8i:
Fsairlines client:
I can correct this value by clicking on "Change" for the cargo but this will pose a problem for flights at the limit of the aircraft's autonomy
Fsairlines client corrected:

Fourth observation - Simbrief aircraft profile
I thought that the problem could come from the simbrief aircraft profile but we cannot enter certain values such as the "generic cargo" value or even "the weight of the crew". Apparently this is not taken into account and I don't know how to configure this profile so that this is taken into consideration. I put an image of the plane configuration in simbrief as well as the configuration of my flight and the final plan.
Simbrief aircraft profile:
Simbrief flight configuration:
Simbrief final flight plan:

Re: [MSFS2020] Weight correspondence problem 747-8i

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:56 pm
by Blairwitch
There is probably something I don't understand, can you help me see it more clearly ?

Sorry to make 3 messages but obviously I have a maximum message length limit.
I couldn't attach images to the subject, I'm limited to 3 images, I went through the Image Upload site to include them.

Excuse my basic English, I got help from Google translate. :mrgreen:

Thank you in advance for your help.

Re: [MSFS2020] Weight correspondence problem 747-8i

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:06 pm
by joefremont
First think you need to remember, the FSA client does not look at the aircraft or payload weight in the client. The weights there are too inconsistent and too easy to manipulate, It always used the aircraft weight from our database and the payload from the booking manifest.

Unless you use one of the various systems we have to limit passengers and cargo the system will try to load the aircraft up to the MZFW of the aircraft with passengers and generic cargo. The system does reserve 25kg per passenger in cargo hold for baggage, it also takes into account the weight of the cabin crew. When you add packages it will reduce generic cargo to keep under MZFW but not anticipated fuel usage.

As for what SimBrief does, I don't use it and to be honest, I don't really care what it does. We try to do the right thing based on our rules.

Re: [MSFS2020] Weight correspondence problem 747-8i

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 10:18 am
by Blairwitch
I don't know if I understand your answer correctly but you mean that I will be able to leave with no charge in MSF2020 that would be good for the FSA client/tracker ?