Cargo Airport Complaint

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Cargo Airport Complaint

Post by joefremont »

Here is a thread on a recent support ticket.
Sender: Sep 18, 10:15
this is a google translation.

I noticed at Airport EDDP (Leipzig/Halle) that, in my opinion, this is not implemented correctly in FS Airlines.
EDDP is the second largest cargo airport in Germany after EDDF with almost 1.6 million tons of cargo handled (2021). EDDP is ranked 5th across Europe.
In FS Airlines, the waiting cargo is just 17,600 tons, in contrast to EDDF with almost 290,000 tons of cargo.
Even airports like EDDM and EDDH have more cargo packages.

It's really a shame because at FS Airlines the choice of packages at EDDP is rather low for such an important cargo airport.
Maybe you have the opportunity to change that and thus make EDDP the second largest hub in terms of cargo and thus make the immersion more perfect.

Best Regards
Sep 18, 16:56 - JoeFremont: I am not sure I agree with you on EDDP there are 3,731,160 kg of packages waiting there, making it in the top 110 in the world and seventh in Germany.

The system that calculates packages takes into account the population in the area, airport size of which Leipzig is the second highest and the number of flights on FSA as the system tries to send package to airports our pilots are using and I think it is the number of flights that is impacting EDDP. EDDF has eight times as many flights and EDDM more than three times as many.
Sep 18, 18:07 - Sender: Hello,
Unfortunately, their way of thinking is extremely stubborn. With 3700 tons, the range of packages is probably very little.
Calculating the system based on population density also makes no sense for cargo, only for passengers.
I'm actually all about cargo and it's difficult to fully load large aircraft like the Boeing 777F or 747F in EDDP.
There should be a clear separation between passengers and cargo.
A VA makes a lot of money with cargo, and therefore EDDP remains completely uninteresting for users of FS Airlines.
This cargo system does not correspond to reality.
Too bad you can't change that.
Sep 18, 22:42 - JoeFremont: Something to consider, most of the packages going through the real airport do not start or finish there journey there. With most cargo hubs airlines bring cargo from other airports to a central location and then back out to there final destinations. Our package system was designed to encourage that.
Sep 20, 18:37 - Sender: Hello,
nevertheless, the freight offer in EDDP is not actually implemented.
Unfortunately, I cannot understand the stubborn way of thinking.
But well, it's just FS Airlines. The concept behind it is perhaps too old.
I understood that they will not change anything.
Am I being unusually stubborn?

I have started a reply to this person four times but have deleted each one because I can tell that I am angry with them and am going to say something I regret. What do others think, not just of what this person is saying but the problem in general. There are airports in the world that are major cargo hubs, but the majority of the cargo going through that airport does not start or finish its journey there, I have tried to build the cargo system so airlines will make there own hubs rather than having me provide them for you, but they believe this concept is too old.
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Re: Cargo Airport Complaint

Post by Cat »

I have posted my own thoughts on the package system in New Ideas ....

I think we have WAY too many routes that are never being flown thus fooling the package generator into thinking there is a demand in places that are not being flown into. Just my opinion of course.

How many airlines actually service all the routes they have created? My guess would be NONE.