Should we add this airport?

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Should we add this airport?

Post by joefremont »

A member entered this data for a new airport they want to add.

Here is a link google maps for the coordinates they entered ... 2583333333

I found this scenery for it.

Other data they entered

Name: Yifki Yifki
City : Yifki
Country : Papua New Guinea
Region : Enga

The ICAO code is probably not correct, and while on google maps there does appear to be something there but not sure exactly what, and I can find no other reference to it in outer sources.

in general we try to add only actual airport, not just places aircraft land from time to time. If the images of the scenery are correct then it looks real, but no could not find any real world sources to verify.

I would feel better if it had a proper ICAO code.
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