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Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 3:56 am
by chrisjk84 ... 1&p=122310
When I took off I had a full load of fuel (minus aux tank), so 660.4kg. FSA read it as 224kgs. I didn't see any issues before I started fight on the client fuel page. When I landed I had 127.5kg of fuel left in the tanks. FSA read me as empty and gave me a bad rating and rep.
No way I would have be able to do that flight (238nm) at redline (almost max cruise setting). I used 534kgs if fuel in that flight.
Anyway to fix this (at least the penalties?) Next time I do a flight I'll double check the fuel in the client, but I didn't see any issues that I recall this flight.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 6:12 pm
by joefremont
Looking at your flight report, from what the client read, you started with 224 kg of fuel and it stayed unchanged at that level until an hour and 6 minutes into the flight when over the next hour and 10 minutes dropped down to zero where it stayed for the last 15 minutes of the flight.
I am wondering if there are fuel tanks in the aircraft that the client is unable to read from. If there were three tanks, where the AC drained from thank A, B then C and the client only saw tank B that could explain what you described.
Which aircraft model are you using? Can you describe the fuel tank configuration it has?
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:57 pm
by chrisjk84
It’s the x-rotor B429 on XPlane. I’ll look up fuel tank info when I get home.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 11:14 pm
by cajunjosh
It's actually the Timber Bell 429 freeware helicopter for XP11.
I snipped the fuel weight and balance page on XP11 Joe. If there is any additional information you need just let me know and I'll go try and hunt it down.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:55 am
by cajunjosh
Not sure if this will be helpful or not but this is from the fuel management page in the module.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:32 am
by cajunjosh
Perhaps this might be useful.
It looks like the client is reading the following
Main Left------->Fuel Tank 1
Main Right------>Fuel Tank 2
It's not reading anything in Aux Left, Right Tips, Externals or Centers but this aircraft still has Tank 3 and 4. When you put fuel in this module the aircraft automatically moves the fuel around the four tanks as ballast.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:51 am
by joefremont
Yes that is useful, it’s not reading those two tanks. I will see if I can find that freeware version
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:54 am
by cajunjosh
Here ya go Joe, there are two variants he's made. One is a skid and one is a wheeled landing gear or WLG. I believe fuel configuration is the same between both and I think the FSAirlines database only has a "Bell 429" and doesn't distinguish between the two. ... al-ranger/
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 3:35 pm
by joefremont
Because we use XPUIPC for reading data from the sim, including the fuel levels, if it can not see some of the fuel tanks there will be little I can do to fix it. I am off to do some testing.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 4:33 pm
by joefremont
As I suspected, XPUIPC is only seeing two of the four tanks and I could not figure out another way to get the total fuel in the aircraft other than reading the individual tanks and adding them up. I wish I had a better answer for you.
At some point we may need to make a new X-plane plug but that will be a lot of work and my last attempt to do so was a failure.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 5:06 pm
by chrisjk84
Do you know if this is a aircraft related issue, or a xpuipc related issue?
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 5:24 pm
by joefremont
Its hard to tell if its the aircraft or XPUIPC. We have not had problems before with XPUIPC not seeing some of the fuel tanks but x-plane can see them so I can't say its the aircrafts fault either. The people who support XPUIPC have disappeared so I don't know where to go to get support for it and I am fear a major update to X-Plane will break it.
As I said, I wish I had a better answer for you.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:07 pm
by chrisjk84
Real quick, how did you find out XUIPC is only reading the 2 tanks? External program? In game? I want to see if I can't fix it, but I and not sure how to pull what XUIPC is looking at.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:18 pm
by joefremont
I actually started the client in the visual studio debugger and put a brake point in to stop execution of the code at the point in the code right after all the fuel information is read so I could examine everything.
Re: Client Reading less fuel than I Have in Aircraft - Got Penalty
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 2:15 pm
by cajunjosh
What's confusing to an ignorant user like myself is how the client reads the complicated fuel system of a 747-400 with eight fuel tanks but struggles with four on a helicopter.