Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 3:17 pm
This topic is about the aircraft sitting around the FSA world that have expired maintenance (2 years since last check) and may never be flown again by their current owners.
I propose a status update whereby at 1 year + 9 months the status turns from blue to Orange warning the owner they will lose possession of this aircraft in 90 days if they don't service it. At 1 year + 11 months the status will turn to red - final call to service it or lose it.
At 2 years + 1 month (final 30 day grace period), the aircraft returns to the FSAviation inventory / Trader List. The airline will be compensated the lowest available sale price of said aircraft.
This will help recycle the current inventory, especially out of production aircraft that may become more difficult for airlines to acquire. Recycling existing aircraft that are not being used will also save some server space I would imagine as opposed to letting them rot forever while still generating new ones for other airlines.
All current aircraft with expired maintenance (over 2 years) would be given a 120 day service bulletin - you have 4 months to fix it or lose it.
Just a thought - I am open to all comments / thoughts. Perhaps there really are not that many pumpkins out there but with all the inactive VA's, I'm betting there are a lot of aircraft that can be recycled.
I propose a status update whereby at 1 year + 9 months the status turns from blue to Orange warning the owner they will lose possession of this aircraft in 90 days if they don't service it. At 1 year + 11 months the status will turn to red - final call to service it or lose it.
At 2 years + 1 month (final 30 day grace period), the aircraft returns to the FSAviation inventory / Trader List. The airline will be compensated the lowest available sale price of said aircraft.
This will help recycle the current inventory, especially out of production aircraft that may become more difficult for airlines to acquire. Recycling existing aircraft that are not being used will also save some server space I would imagine as opposed to letting them rot forever while still generating new ones for other airlines.
All current aircraft with expired maintenance (over 2 years) would be given a 120 day service bulletin - you have 4 months to fix it or lose it.
Just a thought - I am open to all comments / thoughts. Perhaps there really are not that many pumpkins out there but with all the inactive VA's, I'm betting there are a lot of aircraft that can be recycled.