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Re: Only 57 passengers from Venezuela Simon Bolivar Intl

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:34 am
by flightsimer
CAPFlyer wrote:Sorry guys. The system is working like it's supposed to, you guys are just concentrating your flights on too few airports that are not capable of handling the load. I have tried to help the situation a little by upping the "size" of Simon Bolivar, but it's still possible you guys will run out of passengers. Serious thought needs to be given to realigning your flight schedules to not put so much load on such a small airport. That's why the users wanted passenger limits and that's why we put it in over 3 years ago.
Sorry to nit pick, but it wasnt requested by us. I remember when it came into action... there was a lot of us, myself included, that were against it from the get go.

Re: Only 57 passengers from Venezuela Simon Bolivar Intl

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:27 am
by danielmd11
Well, my mistaque, SVMI Simón Bolivar Intl Airport Located at Maiquetia is the airport which serves Caracas and it's Metropolitan Area, if we only take the Metropotitan Area population (Wikipedia says it have 4.1 million) it's little less, than the double of the system indicated population 2.404.278

Re: Only 57 passengers from Venezuela Simon Bolivar Intl

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:48 pm
by CAPFlyer
flightsimer wrote:Sorry to nit pick, but it wasnt requested by us. I remember when it came into action... there was a lot of us, myself included, that were against it from the get go.
Tyler, I'm sorry, but you don't speak for everyone. There were a few dissenters in the group, but the suggestion was made by a user (not an admin) and it was supported by the majority of the users who voiced their opinions. We also tried to accommodate the concerns of yourself and a few others by "inflating" the populations at certain airports and the algorithm itself to compensate for the potential of "overcrowding" at known popular airports.

If you want to nit pick, then let's pick this nit - I vehemently opposed allowing more than one of a given historical airline on the network because I knew it'd lead to problems with the push for more realism because you'd have more than one airline flying the exact same schedule with the exact same aircraft. I also knew it'd lead to squabbles over aircraft registrations since we only allow a one example of a given registration on the network. I've been right on all counts but I was overruled by the users and the other admins on the point. I hate to say it, but 95% of the problem that's been brought up here is because there's at least 3 VIASA-based VA's on this network. If there were just 1 VIASA-based VA on the network, even if it had the same number of pilots as the current 3 have combined, I'll guarantee you that there wouldn't be a problem with the number of passengers at Simon Bolivar because you just flat out couldn't have that many pilots flying from the airport at the same time, forcing them to fly some of the other routes in the system.